Since Noey started Primary 1 this year, there have been quite a few changes in our routine, not in the least the fact that I now have to wake up at 6am!
It’s been a while since I last wrote about our routine. Back then I only had one kindy-going child, whereas I now have one child attending primary school and one in kindy. How has my life changed? Well, I’m clearly more of a driver than ever!
It’s Thursday today, and this is how it might go:
6AM: My alarm goes off. I reach over to stop it within a few buzzes. I usually lie in for a while, willing myself to get up, unless it is DD’s turn to send Noey to school, which he does about twice a week. If it is his turn, I will wake him them pop back to bed for a bit of shuteye. If not, I drag myself out of bed to wash up and check on Noey’s breakfast. After that I walk over to the children’s room to wake Noey up and get him dressed for school. We try to do this quietly so that we don’t wake Mei up. Thankfully she usually sleeps through it. Noey washes up, after which we sit down at the dining table together and I try to get Noey to eat some breakfast. He usually isn’t hungry but today he willingly eats some of the fish fingers without any fuss. Yay. He also grabs a lunch box with a snack for recess and a book for silent reading to put in his bag.
6.40AM: Ideally, we leave the house. Trial and error has shown this to be the best time to leave when traffic is the smoothest. Sometime we leave a little late and it’s a rush for me. I’m sure all parents agree that 5 mins can make a huge difference in the school run! If Noey hasn’t finished his breakfast, he munches something on the way.
We arrive at Noey’s school around 7am. Depending on the time and my mood that day, I would either drop him off at the school gate or park at the carpark nearby and walk him to class. I enjoy the privilege of being able to do this, to take a peek at him at school, plus look through his locker to see if there’s stuff he forgot to bring back. Sometimes I discover undone homework! Grr. If I walk into school I usually stay to observe him settling down to silent reading in the school parade square where the classes gather for morning assembly. There would be an announcement for parents to leave and he would worriedly scan the corridor to find me then wave me along. I wave to him then head out to drive home.
7.45-8AM: I arrive home to find a usually cheerful Naomi changed and having her breakfast. I wait for her to finish up, wipe her chocolate smeared mouth (she loves having Nutella with her bread) then send her to school. If DD is ready, he comes along.
8.15AM: We drop Mei at school, watch her go through the health checks, then peep at her while she’s in class for a bit before being shooed away by the principal once school hours officially commence.
Thereafter, I drop DD either at the office (if I’m feeling kind) or at the nearby MRT station and I’m FREE! Free to run my errands and sort through to-dos, that is. I usually take this time to go for breakfast and my usual venue is the nearby hawker centre. I’m a local girl at heart so it’s usually fried bee hoon, porridge or wanton noodles. I eat and catch up on chats and news on my phone at this time. After that I would pick up one or two items from the market.
If I have no errands to run, I go home to read and plan a bit for the day and the weekend ahead. I do some quiet time. Sometimes I might squeeze in a bit of blogging too.
11.15AM: Time passes all too quickly when you’re on your own! Mei is dismissed and I pick her up. Recently she has started hanging around school to play in the playground with her friends and share snacks. There are a lot of happy squeals of laughter and I try to let her have this play time if we’re not rushing off somewhere. I can usually find a mum or two to chat with while the kids have a bit of a run around. After she has had her fill, we head home.
12PM: Lunchtime. By this time we would have arrived home and Mei gets cleaned up and changes out of her uniform, before we sit down for lunch. On the table, a food container sits with food ready for Noey. After lunch I usually try to get Mei to squeeze in some piano practice and sit down to play with her or read for a bit.
1.45PM: I pick Noey from school with his lunch in hand. After trying to rush him home from school for lunch in the initial weeks, I decided it was far less stressful for me to bring lunch to him in school. I usually meet him at the canteen and we sit down to let him have his lunch. I use this time to look through his bag to see if what work he has. Mei sometimes tags along with me on this school run but on Thursdays I try to dissuade her from coming with me and get some rest at home instead. On some days, she might take a short nap at this time if she doesn’t follow me, but I don’t put her to sleep on Thursday.
After Noey is done, we head home and depending on the time, I sometimes swap kids in the carpark — Noey gets out and Mei gets in the car. It’s time to drop her off at Berries.
3PM: Mei attends Berries. She enjoys this as she actually loves Chinese (hooray!), plus she has two of her kindy classmates and another friend in the same class. In the meantime, Noey does his homework at home and learns his spelling. If he doesn’t have homework, I get him do some exercises in an assessment book. On this day he asks to enter his school’s learning portal to do some Math exercises.
4.45PM: We pick Mei from Berries. Depending on the day and everyone’s mood, there might be a treat from the nearby provision shop. Ice cream is very welcome given the current hot weather! I usually also bring the kids’ scooters along and they spend some time fulfilling their quota for outdoor play scooting around the rather large area outside. I try to get the kids to leave before peak hour traffic starts building up.
6.30PM: It’s time for dinner. Usually dinner comprises of rice with two dishes and a soup. I would have to listen to Noey’s complains about why it is rice again (because we’re Chinese, son!). We eat, usually with me urging Noey to finish his food the whole time. Zzzz. DD rarely makes it back in time to join us for dinner.
After dinner, I get my grubby kids to shower. I try to get Noey to practice his piano while Mei tries to vie for my attention to read or play some games. This can be a bit of a crazy time. Everyone’s a bit tired and the day starts wearing on me. DD usually comes back some time in this block of time. If he is working late, I’m usually a bit grumpy and he can expect a call from me asking him when he would be back! If he’s back early enough, we do some family worship around the dining table.
I’m usually rushing everyone by now to get ready for bed. I read some books, the kids brush their teeth, then it’s lights out and prayers.
9PM: Ideally, the kids are in bed. I’m still required to be in the room with them to put them to bed, with plaintive calls from Mei to pat her to sleep. If I’m not in a grouchy mood, I enjoy being there at bedtime because they start talking about the most random things. Sometimes they get a bit carried away and I have to hush them. Since they are usually tired by this time, they fall asleep pretty quickly. A couple of times a week, I’m so tired I fall asleep with them too.
If not, it’s finally me-time after the kids have drafted off to dreamland. I catch up with DD if he’s home, then I usually work on some posts for this blog. I answer e-mails, chat with friends, and read random news on the internet. Sometimes I read or catch up on my bible reading if I wasn’t able to do it earlier in the day.
12AM-1AM: I call it quits and call it a night. The weekday alarm is set, ready to ring at 6am the next morning for a brand new day.
This post is part of the Day in a Life blog train hosted by Mum in the Making. Click on the button to take a 24 hour peek into the lives of different mummies, or link up with your own post!

Haha, my son has that same familiar grouse as Noey when it comes to dinner. Is this a boy thing?
Haha, does he not like rice too? Noey much prefers Western food so he moans and sighs at our Chinese food everyday!
Kids nowadays…. same here! I figured my children love pasta most. On the days I cook pasta, they eat up everything within 10 min happily, but it’s rice, I would be happy if they can finish within 30 min, haha!
Your day seems so orderly to me! (And by the way, I love it that the Mei wears mismatched socks to school – super cute!)
Really? It always feels like I’m rushing all over the place! Your day sounds really efficient in comparison. Haha. The socks are her style statement. Think kindy is the only time she can get away with it!
aaah so refreshing to read other moms routine. Apparently we all share similar..being a driver is also one thing we share in common ha ha.. Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed reading this.
Hey Rina, thanks for leaving a comment! Glad to know I’m not alone when it comes to driving driving driving…
Love that this series has started up again! I’m always interested in how people organise their days and their lives in general.
Noey would hate it in our home, where it’s the same pasta meal for dinner (prepared by dad) EVERY night–and very limited options for lunch as well–all of the quick/easy variety! And yes, time flies when you’re alone.
Hey Evelyn, thanks for popping by and leaving a note! I love taking a peek into everyone’s lives too, and hopefully getting some ideas to better organise mine. Haha, actually Noey just hates rice so he might be more amenable to pasta everyday!
What a lot of chauffeuring to do in a day
Very soon, I’ll have to get used to waking up early when Sophie goes to primary one too.
Good thing I didn’t write about my Wednesday, which is even crazier, haha! I already pick classes that are as close to my home as possible but having to go to and fro to pick Noey does take some time. Maybe I’ll switch him to school bus in time to come.
Wow, you mean you have crazier days than this? You are really efficient! So nice that Mei likes Chinese.
And that pictures of Noey at breakfast, looks exactly like mine at meals, plate with an open book on the side. He spends more time reading than eating, sigh!
Oh, and thank you so much for hopping on the train and sharing your day!
Well, Wed is my craziest day cos my kids do piano back-to-back and I have to accompany each of them. heh. I take a deep breath before every Wed. You spotted the book! Heh. Yes, he always has one till I have to confiscate it cos he’s too slow. Sigh.
Thanks for re-starting this series, Jus! I’ve been meaning to write about my day but this gave me the impetus to get it done.
Mei in K2, right? Then you should look forward to next year, when both go to primary and the logistic would be a lot better! Hang on, just 7 months to go (June and Dec holidays excluded)
No, she’s only in N2!! Long way to go till P1! Which is good in a sense cos she’s still my baby
But I still have a lot of ferrying to do for quite a while…
I just noticed that your kiddos share a room. That’s so nice! Have they been rooming together since Mei was born? Do you have difficulties getting them to both fall asleep and also them waking each other up in the middle of the night?
I have always harboured the thought of putting my boy (aged 3) and my girl (aged 21 months) together in the same room at night. But I have not dared to! I did it one night when my girl was 3 days old, and she and her brother just took turns crying and waking each other up! Thinking of trying it again soon. Good idea?
Hi there! My kids have been sleeping in the same room only since last Jan, when Noey was 5 and Mei was 2+ going on 3. That’s when I finally kicked everyone out of my room! Noey is a difficult and bad sleeper so it took a long time to get him sleeping on his own cos he consistently woke up and walked over to my room in the middle of the night. I put them together for company and I think it worked out well. Occasionally one would wake up and cry in the middle of the night, waking the other but mostly they are able to go back to sleep thereafter. I guess it depends on whether your kids are good sleepers generally? They did take turns waking each other up when we started but after a while they got used to it and can usually put themselves back to sleep if they wake up. Of course I still occasionally get one or two sneaking into my bed at night…
Thanks mummybean for sharing
My daughter is stubborn about sleeping at night, and she frequently cries in her sleep throughout the night. For my son, he gets upset if he wakes up in the middle of the night and discovers I am not around.
So I guess I will wait till they are both older and a bit more mature in their sleep habits. It’s either that or I will have to sleep in the same room as them every night. I don’t mind doing that but I’m not sure if my hubby will!