37 weeks today, and all I can think is: Are we there yet???
These days, everyone I meet looks at me with more than a little trepidation and tells me that I look like I’m ready to pop any minute. Trust me, I feel that way too. I don’t remember being this uncomfortable the last time round with Noey and ironically, Baby Girl here is apparently smaller.
I went for my 36 week check-up last week and at least I know that my size hasn’t been caused by CNY feasting. To be honest, I didn’t eat too much, for fear of indigestion, though I can’t say that I was very restrained. It is CNY afterall and I have the perfect excuse for looking fat! I was glad though that I had apparently only gained 500g from the previous weigh-in 2 weeks before, and of that, 200+g went to Baby Girl. Apparently I still have quite a bit of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby, hence my huge size. Ah well, I console myself with the thought that it means that the placenta is still healthy! And Baby Girl is shaping up to be a medium-sized baby, weighing in at 2.6kg at 36 weeks. Hopefully that means that she will continue to be medium-sized all the way till delivery and therefore easy to push out.
Otherwise, she has also started to descend, but I was both dismayed and relieved when Dr Wong declared that it was unlikely that Baby Girl would arrive before my next check-up at 38 weeks. I think we could do with the additional time to get everything in order and to mentally prepare ourselves, but at the same time, lugging myself in this huge state around has NOT been fun. The indigestion has hit — I try to keep my meals small and have become quite the expert at sleeping sitting up — and it has been impossible to get a good night’s sleep since I wake up every time I have to turn, and not turning would result in me waking up with a severe aches in my shoulders and hips. It is also getting increasingly difficult to sit at my desk in the office. All day today I was shifting to find a position which did not cause me a backache, and alternately needing to stand up to stretch. Walking is also a chore since the SPD continues to plague me. It’s all fun times these days, I tell you.
Anyway, I’m glad that we’re now officially full-term! Give your Mum here a break and don’t take too long to come meet us yah, Baby Girl?
Hang in there mummy! You're at the last stretch!
You look wonderful, babe! Love that pic :)<br /><br />Looking forward to your baby announcement!!!
aww so soon! Can't wait to see your little gal!
That's a lovely photo! Love Noey's expression there. You're on your last lap! Take good care.
Hang in there mummy!!! The last lap is always the hardest… but once they are out, I always wonder why I was in such a hurry… esp when I'm sleep deprived and still having to keep up with the older one(s). :p Prayers for a smooth and uneventful delivery! 🙂
Almost there, you look fabulous by the way!
I hate the process but I always tell myself the end product will be worth it. She'll be extra lovely and cute since you suffered more =D<br /><br />Praying for you for a super fast and smooth delivery (sans epidural)!!
thanks for the compliments on the photo, everyone! the credit for that should go to my wonderful husband :)<br /><br />justpassingby :: you are absolutely right! but being so huge and unwieldy is really not fun at all. i'm sleep deprived as it is since it hurts so much when i turn!<br /><br />michelle :: DD and i were just saying that it's amazing that you're doing this a third time,