On the morning of 2 May 2009, giving the thumbs up to your first flight
Hey there, you big boy you.
This letter update is late this month for good reason as we zipped up up and away to Perth on the day you turned 7 months old. We spent a very happy 6 days thereafter, just you, me and Daddy, which I like to think was a great present for you this month. But I do regret not getting this out earlier because you’re developing so quickly, your little achievements become old news fast, outstripped by new skills that you pick up. I keep wondering: did you just learn that? Or were you doing that last month?
I thought I’d do things a little differently and post a list of 25 random things about you that I learnt this past month, trying very hard to leave out new developments post 2 May 2009. This was a meme that was very popular on Facebook just a couple of months back. By the time you are old enough to read and understand any of this, I’m not sure if Facebook would mean anything to you but trust me, it is popular.
Here we go:
- Your favourite song is Twinkle twinkle little star. Why, I have no idea, but my singing this can calm your crying and has been especially useful in the car on days when you would otherwise be struggling to get out of your car seat. Alas now that everyone has realised this, I think it’s going to be overused and lose it’s magic soon.
- You’ve come to recognise the sound of the car being turned off and have learnt to associate it with the fact that you can get out of your car seat. You will immediately sit up and look to being released from the straps. This amuses your Daddy and I greatly.
- You can push yourself up on all fours, but will flop down on your belly when you need to move forward. This hasn’t slowed you down much unfortunately.
- I’ve caught you crawling on all fours a couple of times, but since both instances took place in the middle of the night, I was in no state or mood to applaud this achievement. I guess I also cannot be sure of what I saw really!
- When left to play on your own on the floor, one of your favourite things to head towards/touch is the fan, followed closely any wires/cables you spot. Ugh.
- I think you understand “No” and will turn away from the forbidden fruit — like the said fan — when addressed sternly. That doesn’t stop you from repeating your actions again shortly after though.
- You like to “walk” and know how to place one foot in front of the other to move forward. You haven’t figured out the concept of supporting yourself though so I have to grab you under the arms. You love this. My poor back.
- Of course, the standing. Lots of Aunties and Uncles have commented on you being fast but I know you’ve wanted to stand since you were 3 months old. You probably feel it’s taken too long for you to be able to get up on your own 2 feet! You now pull yourself up with ease, almost too easily for my liking.
- You go to sleep like clockwork around 9pm. It’s lights out, a short bedtime prayer, then nursing and you’re usually out in 15-20 mins max. Unfortunately you fuss several times at night but you don’t usually actually wake up till about 7am. This schedule is good cos it leaves us with some time to ourselves in the evenings!
- You now frequently sleep on our bed. Oops. That’s mostly my fault but it’s so much easier to tend to you when you fuss at night. Daddy REALLY wants to move you out though so you better treasure these moments.
- That said, Daddy likes to go to sleep with you holding on to his finger — he would place his finger in your hand and drift off. That always makes me smile.
- The downside to putting you in bed with me — you’ve fallen off the bed. I was asleep and carelessly put you near the edge of the bed when I got too tired and you rolled over and over and landed with a loud thump. I panicked and picked you up and after some nursing you quickly went back to sleep. I couldn’t sleep for a long time though. Thankfully you seem not the worse for wear.
- While we were packing our bags for our Perth trip in the same room where you were sleeping and you woke up and gave us a big smile before rolling over and going back to sleep. Daddy thought it was the cutest thing ever and insisted I note this down somewhere. So here it is.
- You’re a real water baby. After the successful pool trip, we’ve gone to the pool at least 4 more times in 2-3 weeks. Each time you’ve been thrilled.
- One of your latest favourite toys: a straw. Cheap and keeps you entertained for a good amount of time (ie. 15 mins).
- You’ve kind of gotten the hang of drinking from a sippy cup…
…but you are clearly of the view that there are plenty more interesting ways to taste a sippy cup.
You like to drink warm water, to your warm-water-hating Daddy’s disbelief.
- In the bath you’ve now learnt to look down when we tell you to, just before we pour the water over your head to wash your hair. Guess you’ve figured that this way you don’t get water running all over your face. It’s quite cool actually.
- You like to blow raspberries, and lately you’ve been blowing them into my leg. It can be quite ticklish but it’s good for a laugh.
- You are so much more interactive now, and go “uh!” quite a bit to get our attention when we’re ignoring you.
- Yes, you babble. But mostly I think from the sounds you make, you like to complain. Oh dear.
- Your smiles let you get away with things. A lot. And nowadays, it’s easy to make you smile — toys, silly faces, and your favourite game, playing “Boo!”
- It’s like you’re finally seeing your soft toys. You now get excited when they are presented to you, even if your first instinct is to chew on them.
- You like hanging out with Daddy. Daddy’s got the best games I say. He’s the one who can get the biggest laughs and happiest shrieks from you. You spent a good afternoon with him while Mummy went for a cooking class with your Mamah and was all happy zappy. Now if only he’ll remember to feed you…
- You’ve got your Daddy’s ticklish bone I think. You really like it when he threathens to tickle you and will start writhing and laughing even before he touches you.
- Your Mamah told me this month that it is such a joy looking after you — the same Mamah who used to tell me not to ask her to look after my kids. Having you here in person has changed all that. You are truly well loved, baby. I hope you will always know that.
There, 25!
Into your 8th month we go…
I wish I had your patience in writing all these! It’s GREAT!!!! Such a memorable read for him and you in future!<br /><br />Little Noey, Aunty Yuling misses you!
That’s really Sweet ๐ those are such precious memories, aren’t they!
Im sure you can continue beyond 25 :)<br /><br />It is soo true, daddies are their best friends. They laugh the loudest with them…mummy is more focus on making sure their diapers are changed, their next meal/milk feed etc…? ๐
aww!! dads do the playing and mums get the necessary done. <br /><br />baby matt likes "twinkle twinkle little star" too! he now knows how to do the twinkle-twinkle with his hands. hehe!
Aww he will love reading all your ‘letters’ when he grows up. He’s at such a fun responsive age now ๐
so funny!! Daryl forgot to feed Noah? hehehe. <br />Noah you’re growing soooooo fast. Big boy indeed!
Awwww… so sweet of a list ๐
Loved reading every single one of the notes!! Can’t wait to meet dear little Noey again!! Soon soon! Maybe with Missy Raeann??
Yuling :: I just sit down and blabber my way through! Noey misses you too Auntie Yuling! We HAVE to meet up!<br /><br />Fleurpress :: Yeah, I hope by writing them down I can hang on to them for that much longer!<br /><br />Lilsnooze :: Actually, yah, I was just rattling on and when I checked, I realised I was at 19! Though at the start I was wondering how I was going to reach 25. As I told PF,
Hey! I feel I must defend myself here =)<br /><br />Little Noey was sitting happily in the sling for the whole time when I brought him to Bukit Timah Plaza (Popular, NTUC) and thereafter to Coronation Plaza… And, he even fell asleep twice! So how to feed him? =)<br /><br />~DD<br /><br />ps: the fact that feeding him had slipped my mind completely was totally not my fault because he wasn’t
Poor DD!! Hahaha. It’s ok, Daddys are for playing and Mummys are for eating, that’s just the way it is!
Hey I just looked at your new pic and your userpic side by side and you’ve really lost the pregnancy weight!!
wow, your pictures are amazing… and such a good post to capture all of his milestones… if only i had that sort of patience with #2! =)