My dearest Meips,
You’re 9 months old! Already! By the time I post this update, you’ll be more than 9.5 months old, but at least this month, I can blame the lateness of this update in part on the fact that we made a trip to Sydney to visit your Ah Kong and Granny at the tail-end of the month. It was your first trip and while you were mostly your obliging self, I can’t deny that it was tricky travelling with both you and Noey together. Still, we would never have left you behind. I got to cuddle you and soak in your babyness a lot during the trip since everyone else was on hand to help with your Gor Gor, and I really enjoyed that. You are really growing up so fast, and every day that this update is late reminds me of that.
Maybe it’s just me, but I think you seem to be cuter every month. Your little round face framed by your mushroom hair never fails to put a smile on my face. Your Papa commented that I’m always kissing you, and that’s rare, for your non-touchy-feely Mummy. You inspire that in everyone by just being oh-so-huggable. The funny thing is that you seem to be like me in this respect — you don’t like it too much!
We are well into your 10th month, but I’ll stick to your 9th month for this update. You’ve learnt to do a lot this month, like:
Say Mama!
You’ve been “Mamamamama”-ing away and needless to say, this is obviously the biggest thing for me this month! It’s also particularly gratifying since Noey said “Papa” first. It’s probably non-specific though you do tend to say it more as a distress call for me. Whatever it is, I’ll take it! You also delighted Papa when you woke up in the plane, looked straight at him and said “Pae-pae”. He’s been trying to get you to repeat it, with some success.
Wave Bye-Bye
Or do your non-wave really, which essentially has you lifting your hand as if you’re saying “Ciao!” It cracks everyone up. You’ve stopped banging the table when you wave. Instead you just, well, bang the table for fun.
Respond to “No”
You’ll stop and smile at me like I’m playing a game when I use a stern, firm voice. But you oblige, and move away from the fan, power sockets, etc. I’ve only had to smack your hand a couple of times when you didn’t listen, and you learnt quickly enough after that!
You also respond to your name — this from last month I think — though by your name, I mean “Mei-Mei”. Oops. You do respond to Naomi too, fortunately.
Stand without support
I haven’t got a good photo of this because it happens so randomly, but you are getting increasingly better at balancing on your own. You’ll break into a huge grin when you realise you’re standing all by yourself, before slowly sinking to the ground. You’ll be walking soon enough. As it is, you love to walk, with us holding on to both your hands.
Self-Feed Finger Food
You’ve made a big improvement from last month in this regard. While your pincer grasp isn’t that great, you haven’t let that stop you from eating. Oh no. You have instead mastered the art of rolling pieces of food from your palm into your mouth. Your success rate is honestly quite impressive — you almost never drop your biscuits on the floor. Like your Gor-Gor, you’re a huge fan of Gerber Stars and Baby Bites.
Make Your Way Into Our Bed
This is not a developmental milestone of course. I know it’s only a matter of time before you follow your Gor-Gor into our room, but I’ve been diligently holding it off. This month, there’ve been nights when I’ve brought you back to our room to nurse when you wake up in the middle of the night, and you’ve spent the night with us. And it’s actually been… really nice. Maybe because I usually don’t have the time to watch you sleep, I’ve found that I really enjoy looking at your sweet little sleeping face.
This does not bode well for me and my sleeping space.
On our part, we have enjoyed seeing your personality continue to emerge this month. Your cheeky grins complete with a scrunchy nose are a trademark.
You’re very friendly, and would usually smile readily at anyone who plays with you. This makes you very popular wherever you go. It’s a little trickier when folks try to carry you though. They don’t always succeed!
Another of your trademark moves is flopping over and putting your head down on the nearest surface when you’re tired. You could be eating in your highchair, and you’ll stop and put your head on the tray table. Or you could be crawling, and you’ll stop and put your head on the floor. It’s really quite funny and again I wish I had a good photo of it.
You are loud and you love yelling and shrieking at us in excitement. Papa has taken to calling you fierce-so as a result. I do wonder if it’s the result of having to fight for attention. Perhaps. We’ll never really know. What we do know is that you are an irresistible force of nature.
It’s been a busy month for you. There have been birthday parties.
There have been playdates, both for you solo and also with your Gor-Gor. I’ve become braver and more adept at bringing the both of you out alone, though I am rightly exhausted at the end.
We even went for a couple of sessions at Kindermusik, you and I. You love music and would happily bop along to tunes so I thought you might enjoy the class. You did. You were certainly the noisiest baby in class!
This was right before you nom-ed the ball, of course.
And there was, of course, our big trip to Sydney.
It’s been a hectic 9 months. But every time I look at you, I know that it’s all been worth it. Grow well, my little Meips! But also, stay little, if you can, just for a bit.
Your very contradictory Mama.
Oh she's grown so much! And certainly very squishable 🙂 Has anyone said that she looks a little like Sophie? Has the same roundness of face and pretty eyes!
awwwwwwwwwwwww just looking at the pictures is enough to make me wanna hug and kiss and smoosh her all over! :)))