Today, I’m going to be introducing you to what goes on behind-the-scenes (or in-front-of-the-screen, really) on this blog as part of a little blog hop that I’m participating in. I was supposed to post this a few weeks ago, but I figured it’s better late than never!

I was introduced to this blog hop by my friend Lyn, a Mum with two lovely girls who blogs at Little Blue Bottle. Lyn and I first connected over the fact that our first-borns are born within days of each other. We then came to realise that we attended the same secondary school and had a number of common friends. Our kids have been growing up together since they were a few months old and it’s been amazing seeing them grow from wee bubs to the little ladies and little men that they are now. You can read Lyn’s Writing Process Blog Hop post here.
I haven’t done a blog hop in a while, and that’s mainly because I’ve been too bogged down to volunteer for them! Indeed, I’m way behind schedule on this one too, but I was attracted to this because it asked some questions that I’ve been asking of myself recently too. Plus I thought it might be interesting to show you what I do, considering how blogging has become a big part of my life.
Here is where most of my work gets done:
I sadly don’t have a proper workspace, so my laptop is truly on my lap most times as I camp on this couch in a corner of my bedroom. I alternate between sitting in this corner and on my bed as I try to put my thoughts to paper. The truth is, it’s been twice as hard to blog since I’ve stopped working in an office. I don’t have a desk and computer to sit at where I can periodically jot down my thoughts uninterrupted. And this uninterruption is key! I now usually write at the end of the day, and needless to say, I sacrifice a lot of sleep to blog. It isn’t always easy, but I continue doing it because I love it — for the friends I’ve made and for more recently, for the opportunities it’s given me. I guess I should be thankful that I’ve always considered sleep negotiable! (And I wonder why my kids feel the same way…)
1. What am I working on?
It always feels like I’m working on a million drafts at the same time. So right now, I’m working on clearing some of my outstanding commitments and updating on some of our recent activities and parenting stories on the blog. I also have a blog anniversary post and giveaway which is in the works that I’m pretty excited about. Other than this blog, I’ve also got several stories for Yahoo Parenting on my schedule too. And recently, some friends and I have started Petite Travellers, a new collaborative family travel blog which we hope to grow into a resource for family-friendly holidays. It’s been exciting working together and it’s been a great ride so far. (Yes, I have a lot on my plate!)
2. How does my work differ from others in its genre?
That is a good question, and one that I’ve been asking myself as well. I think much of what I write is similar to what you get on other mummy blogs. Much as I dislike the classification, that’s what this blog has grown to become, no thanks to my full-time employment at home. I think I bring my own perspective to the table. I try to choose things to write about which I have a personal connection with, or a personal story to tell, so my blog is very much an extension of me. People who read me have often commented upon meeting me that I’m exactly what they expected. So my blog is different in the way that I am different as a person, and I like to think that my writing reflects who I am. WYSIWYG.
3. Why do I write what I do?
I started out writing this blog for myself and my most faithful reader, my husband. Along the way, the kids came along, the audience grew, and my focus changed. But it has always been for the same reason that I write — to celebrate the big events and small moments. This blog has been a precious record of things that matter to me, over the past 8 years that I’ve been writing. I think I lost my focus a bit recently and I’ve come to realise that I no longer have the luxury of time to write what I have to and what I want to. Often, what I want to write about gets sacrificed as I try to meet my writing commitments. I’ve therefore promised myself that going forward, I’m going to focus more on what I love — recipes, books, and stories. I’m looking forward to that.
4. How does my writing process work?
Hmm, I don’t think I have one single process. But always, photos form a key component. Sometimes it is the picture that inspires the writing, sometimes I’m inspired by an idea and go in search of the perfect picture to accompany the thought. I turn many ideas over in my head in the day and I try to scribble them down, either in a draft or in notes on my phone. I need to be in the right frame of mind for the words to flow, so sometimes it just doesn’t happen. But if there’s one thing I’ve learnt from my previous job as a lawyer, it is to just keep putting the words down. I write, then refine, rephrase and restructure as I go along. And it helps to have a deadline!

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