I chanced upon this amongst Noey’s reading materials at my parents’ place:
Yes, Grandma is starting him young
“Might as well get him ready what,” said my Mum when I asked her about it. When I continued looking at her knowingly, she protested weakly about her not meaning anything by it and ended off with an “Aiyah, you’re not supposed to see that.”
Hur hur. No, I’m not taking the hint quite just yet.
Hey! I remembered lilsnooze blogging the same thing too.
Lol I think I should be getting Bean started on that. I'm pretty nervous about how he's going to handle it when he sees the baby. <br /><br />Your mom's so cute. Hahaha.
MG :: Yah, I remember that too — "when my baby sister came home" I think was the book her Mum got. These mothers! Hahaha.<br /><br />Michelle :: Hee, I'm sure Bean will be a great big bro!
YAH!! Funny how its our mothers who are the ones doing such things! Hehehe.
bwahahahahahahaha! your mum is so funny lah!