As any parent would know, e-learning is very much a part of our kids’ educational journeys these days. My children have regular e-learning days where they stay home to complete work on educational portals. And apart from such official school-designated e-learning, the children also make use of digital aids for learning and research. Even as I write this, Mei is sitting next to me on the computer doing quizzes to practice Italian terms for her upcoming music theory exam.
My kids used to hunch over my laptop at the dining table whenever they needed to use the computer but with older two already in Primary 5 and Primary 2 respectively, I thought they were long overdue for a proper computer working space.
I was on the lookout for a desktop setup when I was introduced to the new BenQ Eyecare Monitor GWT2480. It had so many attractive features — big screen! easily height adjustable! — but what I was most intrigued about was the fact that it was specifically designed with kids in mind and incorporates BenQ’s eye-care technology, developed to help protect our children’s eyesight and enhance their learning. An increase in screen time has been linked to a greater risk of myopia and as a parent, if there’s anything I can do to lower the risk of my kids developing myopia, I would want to give it a go!
We’ve since set up a computer table with the BenQ Eyecare Monitor, a bluetooth wireless keyboard, and the husband’s old laptop. Hooking up the monitor was just a matter of connecting the HDMI cable to the corresponding ports on the laptop and monitor. It took like all of 1 minute. Haha. Packing up the table to make space for it took longer! Since then, the monitor has been a big hit with both and kids and me for so many reasons:
- It’s huge! The BenQ Eyecare Monitor’s 24-inch screen size means that everything shows up really clearly on it. The kids were so impressed with the big screen effect and I really love reviewing photos on it. Since it is so big, we can set the monitor back further from the chair (is height adjustable and can tilt, pivot and swivel for a comfortable setting for each user.consequently from our eyes, relieving the potential for eye strain.
- It is height adjustable and can tilt, pivot and swivel for a comfortable setting for each user. The external setup allows us to place the screen at a distance and height that that is more ergonomic for the kids. With a laptop, the keyboard and screen are a fixed distance and I find that my children tend to hunch over it. With the new setup, they don’t do this any more.
- The BenQ Eyecare Monitor’s Brightness Intelligence Plus Technology automatically adjusts the display brightness and colour temperature based on the brightness of the surroundings. Strong differences in ambient light and the brightness of the screen display can cause eye strain. I know I’ve suffered from discomfort from an overly bright screen or found myself struggling to read one that I later realised was too dim, so I really like the fact that the monitor is able to sense the difference and adjust the brightness accordingly. Especially since my children might not know how to do this on their own.
We’ve tested this out and it really does work! Our computer desk is beside the window so it does receive varying light levels over the course of the day. At times, we have to draw the curtains as well and the screen would detect the brightness level and adjust accordingly. So clever!
Credit: BenQ Website
- The monitor is equipped with flicker-free technology, making the task of looking at it for long periods of time more comfortable on the eyes. In addition, it also filters out harmful blue light, which helps with better sleep quality and eye health.
- I think best of all, the children have loved having their very own dedicated working space. With a large screen, it has made it easy not only for them to complete their work and but also to share the screen when they have had friends over and have needed to use the computer together. Mei recently had a e-learning playing date (it was her idea, not mine!) and everyone certainly had a good view of the screen! I just now need an even bigger table to accommodate everyone.
All in all, our new computer setup with our new monitor has received the thumbs up all round. The only downside has been the kids coming into my room all the time wanting to use it! We will have to work out a better place for it but I think we all agree that this new arrangement has been positive for their learning needs and that is good news for me.
To find out more about the BenQ Eyecare Monitor GWT2480, do visit the BenQ website here:
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