Sometimes, I felt like I would never see the day.
My son, actually actively feeding himself his lunch (ie. a proper meal), without prompting.
Ok, he didn’t eat the whole meal himself — we are still some ways away from that, sadly — but at least he managed to eat a good amount before he got bored. “Mummy, I want a book,” he demanded after a while. And with that, I went back to feeding him before he got out of the chair or the food got all over the book, or we end up sitting at the dining table till dinner time.
Well, it’s just as well that he’s eating on his own, because he’ll have to do so in school! One of my biggest concerns about registering him in the 2nd session in kindy was the fact that he would have to have lunch in school on his own. I know, kids are likely to eat better when eating in a group, and he’ll just have to eat when he’s hungry, but a Mummy can’t quite help worrying.
I’m still oscillating between feeding him brunch before he goes (which is essentially his regular lunch at an earlier time) OR feeding him a slightly heavier breakfast at an earlier time. With the first option, I can be sure that he has had lunch, but the downside is that he might not eat at all in school. Also, with the snail’s speed at which this boy eats, it might be a huge challenge getting him to eat and be ready for school in time. With the second option, he will in all likelihood eat better in school, but I’ll have to trust him to do that himself. I think it would be more doable time-wise, and I can compensate with tea later. I think.
I’m sure I’m over-thinking this.
This boy truly belongs in the eat-to-live category. I am praying that Naomi will be the sort who would live-to-eat, though that probably isn’t such a good thing for a girl in the long run eh?
eh wat's wrong with a girl living to eat? like me?!??!?! (ok, so there is a need to exercise more conscientiously after hitting 30..a fair trade off, i say)<br /><br />:) Don't worry about school.. Noey will adjust 🙂
Dont worry, when noey is in sch, he will naturally conform when he sees everyone else feeding themselves. <br /><br />Nat eating on his own is a scene I've not seen for myself but his teachers told me he does so, in class. At home, he's either too distracted to eat or its really much faster that we feed him. 🙂
@<a href="#c7665064586510085137" rel="nofollow">fanyin</a> like me too lah! haha. i think it was a good thing we were always running it off, if not we'll be super-tubby by now! i know he'll adjust. i've just got to stop fretting about it!<br /><br />@<a href="#c6428059964881058667" rel="nofollow">lilsnooze</a> my head tells me that, but i find it hard to believe! haha. it wouldn't