We had the first of Noey’s birthday celebrations the Friday before his birthday with his three other pals, all born within a week of each other. We used to call them the October babies, but seeing as they are babies no longer, we have graduated to calling them the Fantastic Four. Which they are, of course.
I count myself blessed to have met these Mums and their lovely kids. It was serendipitous, the way we met, inter-connected by different means, but coming together because we each knew another in real-life and online. And because we clicked when we met.
Since the first year, we’ve been holding a combined celebration for all four kids and I’m glad we’ve carried on this tradition into the 4th year! Instead of our usual potluck, we ventured out and had this year’s party at Food For Thought at the Botanic Gardens. It was an inspired suggestion by Y, which, aided by excellent service on the part of the restaurant, worked out really well. We had written in asking about reservations (which they don’t take) and ended up holding our dinner as a private event. We booked the two long tables outside next to the playground, and were plied with a huge amount of food for 9 adults and 8 little kids.
The two kiddies couldn’t wait to dig in!
I have to say the food was really good! It had sounded good on paper, but to have it translated into tasty food in real-life was awesome. The chicken wings and the crispy fish cutlets with pineapple salsa were the favourites of the night. Noey couldn’t stop eating the fish! Only the mini burgers weren’t so great, being a bit dry and not as tasty to eat. They were mostly left untouched while we tried valiantly to finish everything else. (We didn’t manage to, and there was plenty to ta-pao home for lunch the next day.)
Save for the gratin, this is only half the portion for the whole group. We had two tables of food.
Being right by the playground, the kids had a real blast. After they ate their fill, they were running and playing and just having fun together. Having seen them grow up from the days when they used to parallel play next to each other, it was a joy to see them playing together. They still play a little differently, the boys and the girls, though they get along better now: the girls with their pretend-play, and the boys gravitating towards gadgets. DD also engaged our nerdy little boys in a “game” of reading instructions off the walls and they were so excited! Haha.
The evening was lovely and cool and perfect for outdoor play. My only complaint is that it was too dark for photos!
No birthday party is complete without cake, and we had only the best – a homemade creation by Y, decorated on the spot.
On goes the freshly-whipped whipped cream…
Kiddies helping to decorate with sprinkles. Noey tried to eat some too.
The birthday children. Happy 4, Fantastic Four!
Marshmallow demolition in progress.
And then it was piñata time!
I made this piñata at Noey’s request — a rainbow piñata to match the supposedly-but-not-really rainbow theme. Hah. I only agreed to make it after Noey promised he wouldn’t cry when all the kids were bashing it up. I’m glad he kept his end of the bargain!
We couldn’t find anywhere to hang it, so DD bravely stepped up to the plate!
This was a much better (and far less tragic) piñata than the one I made for Nomi’s birthday. Practice makes perfect, I say.
This was a thin, 2-layered creation, but still, little just-turned-4-year-olds and their younger siblings just don’t hit that hard at all, so I stepped in a couple of times to give it some good whacks before it spilt its bounty. Next time, I’m trying a pull-string one for little kids.
Picking up the loot! Besides sweets (jellybeans, organic lollies and m&m minis), I put in a good number of stationery items and stickers.
The kids also enjoyed playing with bubbles and lanterns thereafter, courtesy of L. It was a pretty good party, I must say!
Of course we had line the kids up to get a photo.
Where there were 4, now, 8 little kiddies sit.
The girls are all dressed in Missy Messy!
It was, all in all, a fantastic way to celebrate turning 4.
Hi,<br />I'm Gen. stumbled upon your blog and have been following you since – love reading about kid growing up!<br /><br />I myself have a little boy whose turning 4 in a couple of weeks. Been starting to plan his party =)<br /><br />May I ask how you made the pinata? Would like to make one too.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />gen
Hi Gen, thanks for reading! Argh, I typed you a long reply and blogger ate it up! Anyway, it's a bit hard to give you directions on making a pinata in this little box without pictures, so my best advice is to google it. There are plenty of directions available online, some with videos. Good luck! If you get stuck, you can e-mail me!
=) what flour did u use? going to try and make the first layer tonight!
What a fun celebration! You managed to catch DD in that expression, classic!!
Tee hee, I was quite pleased with that shot!
what a lovely celebration!! and 8 kids now – how time flies!
Like how PF, Y, you and I have 8 kids altogether now! It really adds up quickly 🙂
What a fun celebration! Cute pic of all 8 kids (!!) sitting in a row 😉
OMG so cute! hahaha and great job with the pinata! you should totally set up a party store!!!
I am so behind posting on k's parties! It was such a fun party – can't wait for next year!
Nice! I love rainbow themes, had it for Angel's 1st birthday party! I was deciding between a whack-it or pull-it pinata but I thought the kids would prefer to smash it up so I went with the first. Haha. Love the last pic of the kids!
Only trouble is they have not yet been quite strong enough to break the pinata! But with each increasing year, they get better 🙂 We didn't manage to get a good pic at the recent birthday – we have 9 kids now!