Just over a week ago, my little girl had her first piano recital. I don’t think I anticipated that when she started her music lessons about 10 months ago she would be playing in a recital within the year! But the opportunity came up and I thought she ought to give it a shot.
We were assigned a duet and I think that really helped address any hesitation she was feeling about performing as I would be right there beside her. Unfortunately that was extra stress for me! Especially since our piece, London Waltz by Christopher Norton was a jazzy piece and the teacher’s part (which I was playing) had quite a bit of swing in it. In other words, it wasn’t easy!
But we practiced. For two months, section by section, I taught Mei her part. I learnt my own as well. She learnt fairly quickly and within a few weeks we were playing competently together. That said, in the run up to the big day, she was constantly tripping over her notes, which stressed me out a bit. My constant refrain to her: keep playing, even if you make mistakes!
Well, the day of the recital arrived, and my girl, she was an absolute champ. She saw her classmates and some familiar faces like Sean during the rehearsal and settled down happily. When it was our turn, She walked up and played confidently and flawlessly. I wish I could say the same for myself. After all the stressing about her playing, I was the one who made a mistake, blanking out during a bar in the middle. Yeargh. Fortunately I followed my own advice — yes, I kept playing! — and managed to recover shortly after. I was however a bit thrown by the whole incident and forgot to take our score off the piano when we finished. Sigh, I was such a mess!
With Sean, whom she was very happy playing with throughout rehearsal!
Playing our piece!
But I am so proud of Mei. She did so well! She was also involved in a rhythm ensemble at the start of the concert, playing the tambourine with the others in her class to a short section of Bach’s Minuet in G and she didn’t miss a beat there either.
Earnestly playing in the rhythm ensemble.
Relieved to be all done!
We had to leave for home after the recital as Noey had tennis lessons but her Papa and I told her she could have a treat for playing so well that afternoon. My daughter picked a pack of Twisties. Haha. Well, if it was Twisties she wanted, that was what she was going to get. I took a walk with her out to the nearby petrol station to get some, and on our way, we had this conversation:
“I’ll share it with you ok, Mummy?”
“No, it’s ok, it’s your treat, you can have it all darling.”
“But I want to share it with you!”
“Well, ok, since we played together today, right?”
“Yah! But also because I love you.”
My heart certainly melted!
In truth, the decision to start her on piano lessons was one that I considered carefully. Having already to attend class with one child and having to get him to practice, it was only upon taking a really deep breath that I took the plunge with the second child. But seeing how far she has come in the last 10 months, I’m glad I did. Well done sweetie!
Oh wow! You didn’t mention this when we met! Such a milestone! Well done you two!
Thanks! 🙂 I’ll show you the video when I get it!