Hello Sweetheart!
Your brother calls you that sometimes because he likes to copy me, and it is my endearment of choice for you. It makes me smile when I hear him say it. As for being a sweetheart, that you certainly are.
As each month passes, you blossom and mature more into your own little person. Having gone through this once with your brother, I know what to expect but still take joy in the differences that make you, well, you.
We’ve realised over the past few months that you like to talk. It’s not just with your voice either. You can talk with your eyes. You’d look at us meaningfully each time we come near, and particularly when we’ve just put you down and are just about to walk away. You’d stare, reproachfully, as if to ask, “Are you really just going to leave me here?” It always makes me re-consider, and when I do walk away, I always feel guilty.
It’s not just with your eyes that you speak though. You are very vocal and you frequently try to make conversation with anyone who bothers to sit and talk to you. With your “eh-eh-eh”s and “ow-ow-ow”s, you often sound like you’re complaining though! We already have one chatty kid in the house, I can’t imagine the din if we have two!
This month, you’ve started to play favourites a bit. There are some people you are more fond of, like your Papa and your Kong Kong. You are Kong Kong’s new favourite and he would willingly spend time just carrying and reading to you. He has always been partial to little girls and you’re reaping the benefit of that. As for your Papa, we are all surprised that for the amount of time he actually gets to see you awake, you seem rather fond of him. He gets the best smiles. You seem to save them up for the moment he pops into view, whereupon you’d kick excitedly as well. You really are a Daddy’s girl.
You’ve otherwise started to be a bit sticky to me and Aunty M. You’d play and smile at everyone, but you’d only allow them to carry you for about 10-15 mins before you start fussing. It’s better in the mornings and gets worse at night. You cry particularly hard when your NaiNai carries you and we can’t figure out why. You see her 2-3 times a week and there was no issue till recently. Don’t be that way baby. It’s distressing for those who love you, and Mummy here could use a break sometimes!
Speaking of crying, for the sweetie that you are, you’ve certainly got a temper. If things do not go your way, you have no qualms about screaming. Hah. Even after we right the wrong, you sometimes go on for a while in protest. You look so angry, we can’t help making fun of you.
Phyiscally, you’re getting stronger everyday. Just shy of turning 4 months, you finally flipped over. You always turn to your right, and only from your back to your tummy. You haven’t quite figured out how to flip from tummy back onto your back quite just yet. I have to tell you that for a while there, we all thought you had no interest in flipping because you were doing crunches all day in an attempt to sit up, like so:
It is very cute to watch, but no, you have not managed to sit up on your own just yet. It’s even funnier when you grab hold of the pillow behind your head in an attempt to haul yourself up. Your myriad of expressions ranging from focused concentration to indignant sulks are really priceless.
I’m sorry dear, but we really get a lot of laughs at your expense!
While you’ve learnt to flip over, you’re still far more dangerous on your back, as you’ve figured out how to kick yourself in all directions while lying flat. There’s no leaving you alone any longer.
Your neck control has gotten really good, so we’ve gotten to Bumbo out for it’s second run. I think you enjoy the change of scenery, and I’m hoping that you’ll stay put in it a little more than your brother did.
And if you notice a lot of bibs in your pics these days, it’s because you’ve developed into a drool monster.
You don’t seem to be teething yet, but I guess you’re just enjoying blowing bubbles? You have found your thumb but while you do suck on it at times, it doesn’t seem to give you as much satisfaction as sucking on your fist.
Thumb, fingers or fist, I don’t mind what you suck to self-soothe as long as it is not me! Your brother is somewhat indignant that I let you suck your fingers when I’m always pulling his out of his mouth. He’d occasionally lecture you about putting your fingers in your mouth and threaten to put “yucky stuff” on them, as I do to him. Haha. I guess I do hope you’ll outgrow it in time. Otherwise, I’m so glad it helps you put yourself back to sleep at night. (It doesn’t seem to work too well in the day.)
You’re developing some semblance of a schedule, if only I don’t keep trying to screw it up by bringing you out. Up at 7-8am, you nap 3 times a day for about 45mins to 1 hour each time at around 10am, 1pm, and 4pm. Bedtime is before 8pm and you’ll wake or I’ll wake you to feed around midnight, and most times you can last till 5-6am.
Your feeding times are a bit erratic since I’ve taken to feeding on demand. You drink badly when you’re not hungry and it really isn’t fun trying to nurse a struggling baby. You’ll go about 4 hours between feeds in the morning and evening, but feed more frequently in the afternoon. I’m always thinking that you don’t drink that much but you seem to be growing alright, so I guess I shouldn’t worry, especially with you totally pinchable cheeks and thighs.
Sorry baby, it looks like Gor-Gor was the one who inherited Papa’s tall genes!
This 4th month has flashed by and we’re quickly into your 5th! How you’ve grown, little Nomi. I hope that you know how much we all love you. Even your Gor-Gor can’t help but love you, even though he has his moments. You have really stolen our hearts. Let’s see what the 5th month will bring, shall we?
Big hugs and kisses,
Your Mama
She's really adorable! Lovely beautiful eyes your Nomi has ๐
Your account of Naomi turning 4 months was really nice to read, and also comforting for me because I was wondering about M's progress (She's 4 months today!) too. She's such a darling – I loved the funny photo of her angry and D making the face! I think both N and M are daddy's girls despite the dads spending less time with them =)
omg she looks really really like her dad!! so cute (:
She's growing so well! juicy thighs!!<br /><br />love her expressions, and she's really looking more and more distinct from Noey now… ๐
@<a href="#c5063527166208586973" rel="nofollow">Andrea</a> Thanks Andrea! I think so too, but then, I'm her Mummy so of course I'd think she's cute. Haha.<br /><br />@<a href="#c6933035457859623738" rel="nofollow">Maril</a> I think M is progressing really well! I used to write these updates for Noey too for his first year, so I thought I'd write them for Naomi too, to be fair ๐