Last weekend, Nomi got to experience same Gymnademics fun in a different way as we got to be a part of Gymnademics’ Big Day Out.
Held at the Substation, it was, as promised, an interactive event with lots to see, touch and do, with a lot of fun and music thrown in as well. We knew we were in for a good time when we walked in to a festive vibe.

The kids quickly settled down and rummaged through their fun packs before the show began. There was an activities booklet cum programme that Nomi spent some time pouring over. She certainly seemed to recognise some familiar faces.

The show started with a short skit that was Cinderella with a twist. Our modern-day Cinderella was a guy who harbours a secret dream: to be part of the National Day Parade! Alas he is constantly thwarted and ridiculed by his evil step-sister who is bent on auditioning herself. With the help of his fairy-godfather, our hero manages to audition, and steals the show.

The show was very short but it was entertaining. Both kids were enthralled the entire time, which has to be some kind of a record. It definitely helped that the audience was very much a part of the action. The children were on their feet a lot waving the ribbons and glow sticks which they found in their fun packs. I thought it was cute that they had incorporated many of the songs which they also use in class. That was fun for Nomi, and she flashed me a smile when she heard the familiar goodbye tune. Noey wasn’t familiar with these of course, since he doesn’t attend Gymnademics, but he too enjoyed dancing along.

After the show, the children were given the chance to explore the stage set and learn more about the theatre through a series of activity stations. These included dressing up in costumes to strike a pose before the camera, learning to make special sound effects to accompany a telling of a story, and finding out what happens when they mix different coloured lights.
Story-telling in progress! That white tray on the floor contains all kinds of regular items to be used for sound effects.

It was a fun afternoon, and I dare say we all learnt something as well.

*We received a set of family tickets to attend this event, but all opinions expressed here are, as always, authentic, honest and wholly our own.
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