Noey has been growing and changing bit by bit over the last few months, so much so that I have not been able to keep up with some of him milestones and record some of the incredibly funny things he says.
This I have to note down though — while rolling around in bed yesterday trying to get to sleep, Noey FINALLY sang his first song. With a discernible TUNE! And his choice for this momentous occasion? 祝你生日快乐! (An odd choice, if I may say so myself. Apparently his 姨婆 just taught him the song that same afternoon. Then again, Noey was all smiles every time the birthday song was sung during his birthdays this year so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised!)
What makes this such a significant event is the fact that for 2 whole years, Noey has not sung a word. Not a note. This would not have seemed so unusual but for the fact that he can recite many nursery rhymes and songs, some of them word perfect. He can even recite “Twinkle twinkle little star” in Chinese ie. 一闪一闪亮晶晶 perfectly. Also, we ALWAYS sing these songs/nursery rhymes to him — and we sing A LOT. But when we ask him to sing, he would start reciting away.
Add to the fact that he speaks in this rather robotic monotone, DD and I were convinced that he was tone deaf. Maybe there’s hope yet.
Pity he flatly refuses to repeat the act. I think I’ll have to ambush him with a camera in order to get a video recording!
You have such a smart boy. Able to recite a song at 2 years old. Wow.. amazing! Well done you & Noey!
Is your boy really 2 years old?! :P<br />You have a clever one there! My girl who's 22 mths old, reaching 2 yo soon only speaks a few words. Trying hard to get her speak more but she's not keen. The thought of hearing her sing a song is so remote!
kate hasn't sung a note! 🙂 and to think i sing excessively (to the chagrin of most)
Hi! Stumbled on this link while reading your 5 Christmas things. My boy who just turned 2 is going through the same thing – reciting but not singing. Blessed Christmas!