My baby has teeth! 9.5 months in the making.
Yes, evil Mummy patiently waited for him to cry then gleefully whipped out the camera
My finger was in his mouth sometime today and to my surprise, I felt something sharp. Of course he wouldn’t let me have a good look so I had to wait till he decided to give a big wail and lo and behold! There it was, that tiny bit of white on his bottom jaw, the right lower incisor.
Most of his peers have 4 teeth already by now and while I was happy they hadn’t sprouted, I was a tad worried that he wouldn’t have teeth. (You know, irrational Mummy fears and all that.) So we’re mighty pleased to see that tiny bit of white. Praying that the rest of the teething process will go smoothly! Also that I will be able to continue to breastfeed comfortably. Gulp!
My boy is 10 months old today and he still has no teeth. <br /><br />Natchin
We spotted Narelle's first tooth a few days ago.
ooh… hope he doesn't decide to bite you there.
HOORAY!!!!!!!! be careful now yeah? 🙂 not just the breasts, but the fingers, the utensils, the railings of the cot.. etc etc etc 🙂
Natchin :: Thanks for letting me know that Noey's not the only one still virtually boh gay! They do say the later they come out, the stronger the teeth will be! <br /><br />Serline :: Yay! Soon they can have better food!<br /><br />MG :: Yah man, I sure hope he won't!<br /><br />Kopikia :: Yes, this fellow already puts everything in his mouth. Goodness knows what he'll do with teeth!
Hello tooth!!!
ahh, the teeth are coming out! time to prepare for the painful bites. 😉
Apparently I read if the mummy shrieks in response to their bites, they think it's a game! Eeeps.
yay! Caitlin's first tooth is also the lower right one! So nice how they are both developing at the same pace but are miles apart!
Ker :: no lah, Caitlin's way ahead! just that her teeth are keeping pace with Noey's. Haha.