Have I mentioned that Noey really loves the moon?
You can always hear him going on about the “big wound moon” or the “cwescent moon”, depending on which he sees, and whichever catches his fancy at that particular time. (Yes, he can’t really get the “r” sound right in a manner that is really impossibly cute.)
Every so often, he will tell me in his serious way that “月亮 is moon and 星星 is star and 太阳 is sun”, or pronounce some permutation of the 3. He always looks as if he is trying to enlighten me when he says these so I usually nod seriously back and agree.
So when we chanced on this light while browsing for light fixtures, we just had to get it for his room.
He loves it of course. And now he says “man sitting on the moon!”, maybe, a hundred times a day?
fantastic! I love sun and moon too!
Daphne :: Hah, yes you do! I forgot about that till you mentioned it.
Bean loves the moon too! In fact it was the very first word he leant to say and everytime he walks into a book shop and he accidentally comes across a book with a picture of the moon on it, he'll not leave until we get it for him!<br /><br />Where did you get that toy from?
Michelle :: Hah, that's so cute! Not so cute when you have to buy the book though, I guess 🙂 It's not a toy, it's a hanging light in his room! I should post a better pic, with it turned on perhaps.
Ha, his fascination with it is too cute! <br /><br />It's times like these that make us learn from kids to appreciate the wonder in everyday things. 🙂
Ooh what a cute lamp! When I think of the moon, I always think of Moonface from Enid Blyton's Magic Faraway Tree 🙂
Love the colour of his room too – great to hear your new place is slowly coming together!
it must be so cute when the head lights up!
Hey! Anya has the same man climbing a rope ladder in her room! Think is comes in a whole series :)<br /><br />Nisha