I think somebody inherited his father’s love for lego. Or in this case, a love for little lego men.
No idea what he finds so funny! But he seems so entertained we can’t help but laugh along with him. And DD can tick off another milestone on Noah’s growth progress as he can clearly “pay attention to a very small object”.
(On a sidenote, I’m terribly pleased that I’ve FINALLY managed to get this video uploaded. Our camcorder creates these .mts files and I was pulling my hair out wondering how to get them to play properly and convert them to a file format that I could upload. Eventually managed to find the Pixela Imagemixer programme that came with the camcorder that allowed me to convert the file. It also apparently allows me to edit the video but funnily enough, there’s no user guide so I’m completely boggled…)
corsage says
Awww that’s really cute! Contagious laughter for sure 🙂
Michelle says
so nice!!! i can never get my son to chuckle like this
yuling says
Noah, this is the CUTEST!!! I love to chuckle too, but I’ve yet to play with Lego. My daddy should really meet yours. He loves Lego too!<BR/><BR/>I still can’t flip. Only did it twice and that’s about it. Can you teach me?<BR/><BR/>Love,<BR/>Missy Raeann
Sparkle Thots by Ruth says
the laughter is so fun! and contagious!
BeanBean says
corsage & ruth :: i must confess i could watch this over and over. and i still laugh!<BR/><BR/>michelle :: guess you've got to find the right triggers! i don't know why he finds it funny at all!<BR/><BR/>yuling :: hey missy raeann, we should get together for a chuckle while our daddies play lego. you must try flipping — it's too fun. my mummy showed me how to many times before i
Daphne says
aiyoh soooooo cute! D must be so pleased :p
Little Miss Snooze says
He’s such a handsome boy! His laughter sure brings joy to all!
BeanBean says
Daphne :: Yes, D’s always the one telling me to grab the video!<BR/><BR/>Lilsnooze :: I keep telling him not to peak too early — must look good in his 20s, too early no use. hahaha.