I love the evening light. That golden light positively makes everything it falls upon radiate with life. And when it surrounds my little rambuctious boy, my little ball of energy, he positively glows.
DD decided to try to keep up his fitness regime (or make some attempt at it at least) so Noey and I accompanied him to the track nearby in the weekend and had a grand ol’ time trying to chase Papa around, trying to spot buses zooming by on the adjacent road across the fence and trying to pull out the fake grass from the artificial turf within the track. (The latter activity being attempted by Noey only, not me!)
He moves so quickly these days, this little boy of mine. So I’m really loving the quadcam app that I downloaded just to catch him in action. It’s snap snap snap and off he goes!

Every moment is a new adventure, for him, as it is for me too, when I am with him.

can't help looking at noey's 水汪汪 eyes every time i see him or his pictures. it's like they have so much to tell you.
Candice :: They are full of mischief most of the time!