The Oct babies got together last Sat to meet the newest addition to the group, Bean’s new little 妹妹, Dot!.
The little guest of honour was oblivious to everything and everyone as the bubs made themselves extremely at home in the toy kingdom that is Momo’s. Bean was a little shy at first, having all these other folks just barge in and play with all his toys, but he soon warmed up, thanks in part to the alphabet shirt that Noey was wearing, which fascinated him to no end. That boy already recognises words and is going to be an early reader, I tell you.
While Noey ransacked the toy box and Kate bestowed her friendly smiles and Raeann enjoyed the muffins and all of them took turns to be fascinated with Elmo, us Mummies and Daddies also got to chat and catch up. It was a lovely afternoon.
And since we were finally all gathered back at Momo’s almost exactly 6 months to the date that the bubs were there celebrating their 1st birthday, a blue-couch shot was necessary.
How they’ve grown huh! I think we should make this a tradition cos it’s so cute to see the changes as time progresses. Our babies are all growing up too fast. And now another has been added to the mix. It’ll be a while before Dot! can join in, but I’m sure it will be fun for her, having all the kor-kors and jie-jies to play with.
It was a lovely afternoon that, as usual, drew to a close too soon. Let’s not wait too long to meet again, yes?
Interesting how they are still not interacting (in the pic). Haha. CUTE!
Yes, they're still pretty much in their own world. I just love the "huh?" expression all of them have in this pic!
Can't wait for the next one! Growing up together is so much fun! We've got to make space on the blue couch soon for Dot!!
Yeah let's make it a "tradition" thingy for them to take a picture on the couch when they come. I'm curious when they'll actually start playing with each other. Lol. <br /><br />Thanks for the pictures! D's like this official cameraman for all our gatherings, and a good one too!!