There are days when I feel waxing lyrical about my kids.
Today, not so much.
Today was one of those days where Noey decided to object to almost everything I wanted him to do, to challenge my authority. And even though he did not want listen nor obey any instruction I gave him, it was still only Mummy he wanted for most of the day, except for those blessed hours when his Ah Kong came to visit and Papa came home to bring him out to run off the excess energy. Nomi napped badly the whole day, which resulted in her being rather clingy to me and wanting to nurse frequently. Noey also didn’t nap well, and was a teary grumpus for most of the afternoon. In addition to all that, I managed to slip when I scrambled out of bed to answer the phone in the afternoon (rushing so that the ringing would not wake Noey up from his nap) and did something to my pelvis. So now it hurts and I’m walking like I’m pregnant again. What joy.
It is tough, being a Mummy to 2. Tougher than being a Mummy to 1, because there’s only that much of me that can go around. There is very little time for me to just be me, to find the time for myself. Except in the middle of the night, like now!
I guess I just wanted to take this time out to sit down and remind myself that while I choose to remember the happy moments most of the time, some days really aren’t so great. I know this will pass. I may even look back on these days with fondness in future (though right now, I’m not feeling it, man). It is only with the grace of God that I carry on, knowing that the burden will not be too heavy for me to bear. Aren’t we blessed that His grace, love and mercies never come to an end?
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning, new every morning
Great is Thy faithfulness, oh Lord
Great is Thy faithfulness
Hang in there Mummy V… The initial years are the toughest physically (lack of sleep, needing octopi limbs etc) but in a blink of an eye, you'll be able to get Noey to help take care of Naomi (or the other way around!)… jiayou!
I totally understand. When the baby is crying and the toddler is screaming I sometimes wonder why I chose to do this. But hang in there, its always the happy moments we remember and that s what matters at the end of the day. Jia you!!
The good thing is that there will always be another day after a bad one. It can only get better! =) hang in there!
Yeah that is why I'm looking forward to going back to work. Hugs.
totally getting what you are going through. May the joy of the Lord be with us, in times like these. 🙂
Ah yes I did accurately recognise the frazzled face! hang in there on the not so joyous days. They are so lucky to hv you as their mummy. I shall be sure to remind them! 😉 especially when they r old enuf to understand Auntie Daphne shall remind them again!
@<a href="#c1677256631908250588" rel="nofollow">justpassingby</a> thanks, 'tis comforting, coming from an experienced mum like you! shall look forward to that :)<br /><br />@<a href="#c382453966958261273" rel="nofollow">sockling</a> thankfully the good moments more than make up for the bad ones!<br /><br />@<a href="#c1006736442959012191" rel="nofollow">Maril</a> thanks. it is a bit crazy