Our clothes from FOX Kids & Baby have seen us through lots of moments over the past couple of months. Here are some of our favourites:
Thanks FOX Kids & Baby, for fitting us out so fabulously these past couple of months!
Thanks to our generous sponsors, one lucky family is going to have the chance to create their own FOX moments as I have a $100 FOX VOUCHER to giveaway!
To enter the draw to win this $100 voucher, you have to complete the following steps:
1. Like the Fox Fashion Singapore Facebook Page
2. Like the Life is in the Small Things Facebook Page
3. Like and Share this Facebook Photo, and tag a friend. Do make sure your post is public so I can see it!
4. Leave a comment on this blog post telling me about one of your favourite moments spent with your child, and leave your e-mail address.
You have to complete all 4 steps to qualify so don’t miss any out! Use the Rafflecopter widget below to indicate that you’ve done the above. You can also get additional chances by completing the rest of the steps!
This giveaway ends on Fri 1 August 2014, 11.59pm and is open to Singapore residents only. Winners will be contacted by e-mail and will have 48 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be drawn. All incomplete entries will be disqualified.
Good luck!
My favourite moment with my kids will be that little time we spent we before to go to bed. We talk about things that happened on that day.<br /><br />Celyn11@hotmail.com
bedtime story-telling routine<br />j_xian@hotmail.com
Talking abt school at bedtime<br />Jaime chan<br />chueimei@gmail.com
My favourite moment is tugging the kids to bed and a goodnight kiss – debbiengyl@yahoo.com
One of my favourite moments with my children, besides chit-chatting before bedtime, is dinner time – I sit with them, even if I am not eating, and talk about their day, or anything. <br /><br />Thanks for the giveaway!<br /><br />Wendy Tay<br />wendyaipeng@gmail.com
My favourite moment would be the time I brought my kids to Disneyland. He simply said wow'd. He was not even 18 months old. <br /><br />Elizabeth_decruz@yahoo.com.sg
I love bedtime stories n snuggling up with thrm
Our fav moments are playing board games together as it draw both of us to a closer bond. <br /><br />puffish03@gmail.com
Apancakeprincess@gmail.com<br />Favourite moment: seeing my son's face light up with joy when he sees me pick him up from school and run into my arms for a hug.
this is cool
I love watching my daughter flip through her board books while babbling away and smiling and laughing. Something I enjoy almost every night before she goes to bed. cluelessathougang@gmail.com
Read stories, ask silly questions and chit chat about everything under the sun during bedtime.<br />chanxgg@gmail.com
Love one to one dates outdoors with my boys. <br /><br />Cmeilim@gmail.com<br />Carol Lim Mei Mei
I love cycling and flying kites with my children. I also enjoy going to movies and theatrical plays with them.<br />leechlouis@gmail.com
We enjoy our nightly board game session in our bedrooms.<br />Teo Yee Long<br />trantrulla@hotmail.com
I am still single but i am very close to my nephew =) Whatever time i get to spend with him are all my favourite moments cause he seems to be growing so fast! So i treasure every single moments with my little darling.<br /><br />junelee_1980@yahoo.com
One of my favourite moment is during transiting, be it on a transportation mode or by walking, this is the time the girl(s) and I get to talk and share thoughts. Sometime, I think sharing silent moment together or just admiring them goofing along the way is a moment to seize for me!
Sorry, I forgot about leaving my email addy: khor.pc@gmail.com<br /><br />Many thanks for hosting this!
I enjoy bedtime reading.<br /><br />Robert_sim@yahoo.com
Bible reading and bedtime prayers with the kids!
Jeslyn <br /><br />jes.genevieve@live.com.sg
I like cuddling on the bed with my girls, especially on a day when I am too tired to do much with them. I love it that they find cuddling up with mummy just as much fun as running about.<br /><br />sohlayleng@yahoo.com.sg
Bedtime reading & cuddling up to sleep every night. <br /><br />Eunice wee<br />Nikki_wee@hotmail.com
Playground time<br />Jolin<br />Babyhappie@hotmail.com<br />
Waking up and rolling around bed together (before they morph into jumping monkeys).<br /><br />Debra <br />olimomok@gmail.com
My favorite moment with kids was when i accidentally cut my finger when preparing meal, then when they realize, will drop everything and comes to my rescue. The wound will auto heal with some sayang and hugs from them.<br /><br />Shirley Yong<br />shirley@yong.sg<br />
I love going to the Park scooting with my kids. Makes me thinking of my parents who use to bring me and my brothers to the park.<br /><br />FB Name: Ace Serene<br />Email: liaoserene@hotmail.com<br /><br />
Our favourite moment is our meal time!it's a time to gather, share and enjoy our meal!!<br /><br />Adeline<br /><br />adeline_ao@hotmail.com
My favorite moment with the kids is when they discovered something new and eagerly want to share with me. Enjoying this bonding while it lasts!<br /><br />Yeo Keng Seng<br />yeokengseng@gmail.com
Right now the little girl and little boy are on the couch behind me pretending to be invisible. This is definitely the best time!<br /><br />4owlswell at gmail dot com
My favourite moment is when my daughter run towards me to snuggle, hug and give me the sweetest smile. Precious! <br /><br />ling.winifred@gmail.com
Favourite moments are the ones where the kids are not whining and crying. :)<br />ambienlim@yahoo.com.sg
My favourite moments are when we read in bed, and he snuggles up to me. 🙂 <br />growingwiththetans@gmail.com
Bedtime stories<br />sillyphy13@gmail.com
Singing endless number of action songs in the car! <br /><br />Kathryn <br />Kathrynng(at)yahoo(dot)com
My nightly games with my boy! I love to blow kisses into his tummy, tickle him non stop, throw him into the air and basically hear him laugh and cackle away!! <br /><br />Geraldine.chong@Gmail.com
Baking cupcakes and pizza's with my 4 boys and watching them learn with interest, is sure one of the many favorite moments I spend with my children.
One of my favourite moments with my children is one we spent in water..water play & swimming…complete wee time without any distraction…Cherish each & every moment with lots of water activities… <br /><br />Thanks<br />Ashmika Jain<br />jainash1083@gmail.com
I love to play dress-ups with her :)<br /><br />sakuraharuka at live dot com<br />Ai @ <a href="http://www.sakuraharuka.com/" rel="nofollow"> Sakura Haruka </a>
One of our favourite family moments is when the entire family visit the water theme park – Wild Wild Wet at Downtown East. We can slide down the various rides and lose track of time. Spending quality time is important.<br /><br />Name: Alvin Koe<br />Email:tower76sg@gmail.com
One of my favorite moment with my son was the Segway ride at Sentosa. We really had a lot of fun together.
One of my favorite moment with my son was the Segway ride at Sentosa. We really had a lot of fun together.<br /><br />Name : Terry Jude<br />Email id : terry1070@hotmail.com
Reading during bedtime is always a pleasure<br />Marcia_267@yahoo.com<br />Marcia Too
Bedtime. When he snuggles up to me. 🙂
my fav time with my ger is cuddling in the bed and talking about her secret in sch !
Bedtime,telling each other our feeling…what we have done through out the day.those moment are precious.
One of my favorite moment is to see my 5yr old princess in my closet, trying to put on my clothes & looking forward to grow up like mommy :)<br />jannietan@gmail.com
Hmm one of our favourites, would probably be our baking sessions<br />Kathy Woon-Tan (Shannon & Isaac Woon)<br />prectitude@yahoo.com
My Favourite moment is during my girl's weekly swimming class<br />when she is eager to learn yet reliable on me to keep her above the water<br />I see her trust in her smile =)<br /><br />Anna Rachel Tang <br />em.belle@yahoo.com
My favorite moments are those times when I teach them about how things work or share some wisdom of life; with them listening with interest and eager to learn.
My favorite moments with my darling girl is during sleeping time at night when I will tell her bedtime stories, then followed by her telling me what happened in school for that day and lastly is lots of kisses & hugs before going to sleep. This is what I enjoyed doing with her now ever since I became a single mum. :)<br /><br />My email is jyyf1804@yahoo.com.sg
I love to bake with my girls (although it will be messy)<br />Joeanne Shim<br />joeanneshim@hotmail.com
My favorite moment with my girl is when I first taught her how to kiss me on the cheek when she was 10 months old, it took two tries for her to master it. Since then, I only need to point at my cheek or do the lips smacking sound and she will respond to kiss me immediately. <br /><br />email: tilly@tillydesigns.com
love spending time playing games with my boys.<br />cool_blue83@yahoo.com.sg
My best moment is laying next to my sleeping children, sniffing their hair. <br />heart_ocean03@hotmail.com
My favorite moment with him is walking him to and from school! <br />Each time is a different experience! <br />Jessicawong.op@gmail.com
My favourite moment with my daughter is playing peek a boo with her,she laughs so much and i enjoy her laugh.<br />sindmansing@yahoo.com
I love to sing and dance with my 3 lovely children.. I enjoy the laugh and smile <3<br /><br />Email : jolin9087@hotmail.com
My favorite moment with my son is when we cuddle before he sleep
email address: miaalegrado@yahoo.com
My moment will be swimming with my daughter using fox swim suit 🙂 iris.jenell04@gmail.com
My favourite moment will be doing yoga with my little princess email: kaisinteo@gmail.com
My favourite moment will be bedtime SINGING …..we just love to sing together :)<br /><br />Email: steffi_sh@hotmail.com<br />
My favourite moments are watching my daughter sing and dance at home!
Actually everyday is my favourite moment with my 3 PrincezzMonster. Out of those, my favourite moment is when we taking Selfie as that will be the time we capture our memories!<br />
Actually everyday is my favourite moment with my 3 PrincezzMonster. Out of those, my favourite moment is when we taking Selfie as that will be the time we capture our memories!<br />Email : sngweekwang@ymail.com
Playing play-doh with my nephew.He love making different type of food.<br /><br />Kaleen Teo<br />kakaleen@ymail.com
Reading bedtime stories and cuddling up together in bed with love!<br /><br />Amanda Giam<br />Amanda.giam23@gmail.com
But I think my favorite part was sharing a bed. He would wrap his arms around my neck as tightly as he could and immediately doze off. At first I thought I’d never sleep because he was around my neck like a boa constrictor, but I’ve never slept so well. <br /><br />lonylim@gmail.com
Bathing my youngest daughter is one of my favorite pastime. Seeing her grow up and playing cheekily all these years have always brought a wide smile to my face. :)<br /><br />Wei Xi En<br />rine07@ymail.com
life's education and learning via shopping<br /><br />sharin chia<br />sharinchia@yahoo.com
My favourite moments spent with my daughter is bedtime. We will have reading bedtime stories, sharing memories about our past and we always hug and kiss before we go bed. <br /><br />seline bong<br />sibeicute@yahoo.com.sg
Favourite moment spent with my children is during bedtime. sharing what we did today and reading stories to them.<br /><br />Andrew Wong<br />Andrew.wong017@gmail.com
Talking about his school, what he did the entire day during bedtime.<br />Kylie Lim<br />yippeewoods@gmail.com
Favourite time with my kids having bubble bath time!<br /><br />h208217@yahoo.com.sg
Favourite time is playing his toys with him , love the bonding time together we have ,<br />Queeny Koh <br />Kindbear91@hotmail.com
favourite time while marketing! they will help out to take things and also suggest to buy whoever's favourite food or snacks. it's so sweet and such a blessing that they remember what to get for the family at home 🙂 <br />Huifang Huang <br />huifang2891@gmail.com
All time favorite spending my time playing,sleeping,studying,shopping and bathing with my children while they are still a toddler. Once they grow up will never had a chance to do all these with them anymore. Have to cherish and build bonding with the children.<br />Apple Junie<br />Email: eiunj85_ger@hotmail.com
My fav time is definitely bedtime with my son. Because we will lie down together side by side n i will ask my son questions like how is his day, what he did today, did he study today, what he learn from sch today etc. Then ill pat him to sleep. <br />Email: gekyong82@yahoo.com.sg
Favourite time with the kids is swimming lessons time ! <br />Its healthy and stress free !<br />Email: beyon13@yahoo.com
One of my favourite moments spent with my son is to play with him!!<br />e-mail: dean.nguyen83@yahoo.com
One of my favourite moments is roller blading with my sons!<br />adaline21@hotmail.com
Art and Crafts time! Or Coloring Time! <br />everlastingtwins@yahoo.com.sg<br />
My favourite time with my 5 year old boy is going to the movies.<br />Linda Wong<br />wfcinda@yahoo.com
sorry, my email address is wfclinda@yahoo.com
Hugs and Kisses after we woke up in the morning!<br /><br />walk_of_life (at) live (dot) com
favourite moment is the goofing around, sing-along, and chit-chats before bedtime. <br />email: candice@missustay.com
When i pick the kids from school and they all yell 'mummy!!!!!'
My favourite moment is having blog chosen to also be sponsored by Fox! Then all my kids and I can help to promote Fox and look good at the same time!
My favorite time is story telling time.<br />Lyn<br />lp8834@yahoo.com
coldkohmew (Hotmail)
We love to go out excursions, to zoo, botanic gardens, beaches, playgrounds etc<br />Alan Tan<br />alantanchoonchai72@gmail.com
bed time story telling<br />leongyeeming@yahoo.com
Favourite moments are when we are both happy enjoying some activities together, or during bedtimes when we are both calm and peaceful, with him sharing the happenings in school. <br /><br />joannehmm@gmail.com
Story telling time<br />ll_khor@yahoo.com
Bedtime chit chat and prayer session is our favourite!<br />Teo Chin Long<br />johnteo1978@gmail.com
dinner time are always great family time<br />teohanchoo@gmail.com
favourite moment is reading and shopping together <br /><br />jesskoh@hotmail.com
Bedtime stories telling sessions are my favourite with the kids<br /><br />Email: mywishingstar_ft@hotmail.com<br /><br />thank you<br />Luah moi kee
My favourite moments are the car ride to school where we will sing in the car<br /><br />Email: pengjekkoh@gmail.com
My favourite time with my daughter is just after she wakes up from her afternoon nap. We'd laze around and talk about things that happened in the morning. The things she'd like to do..and other random things that popped up.<br /><br />Email: dawnsteris@yahoo.com.sg
My favourite moment is listening to music with my child.<br />cpch_7@hotmail.com