Wedding weekend for my family is finally over. My sister is officially married!
The wedding went really well, cos while my sister was a rather bo chup bride, everyone around her really wasn’t! If you know my sister, you’ll know that she’s an incredibly lovely person with a really fun side, and I think that shone through and made the whole occasion special and truly “her”.
As for Noey, I was first of all relieved that he consented to putting his suit on with minimal fuss. I was on tenterhooks about this because I hadn’t actually managed to get him to wear it at home prior to the day itself. I had been psyching him up about the big day in the week leading up to the wedding, and thankfully after seeing Papa put on his suit, Noey was quite willing to wear his “office clothes”, as he called them!
As to his all-important role in the wedding, Noey did make it down the aisle safe and sound, though not without some missteps. He was tasked to walk down the aisle with a Bible in hand because we decided it would not be wise to let him hold the rings. That was a good move on our part, seeing as how he started off well, then got distracted mid-way by the hymnals and bibles at the back of the pews and decided to shove HIS bible into the back of the pews as well. Oops. He then promptly turned around and tried to return to the start, before someone caught him and pointed him the right direction. Fortunately this all happened in the part of the L-shaped aisle that was not as visible to the guests so most of them did not realise what had happened. My parents though were wondering how Noey ended up third in the procession when he was supposed to be right in front!
(I actually hemmed up his pants, but couldn’t do anything about the sleeves of his jacket!)
Duty done, the boy was a good sport throughout most of the wedding, save for the moments when I went up to read the Bible passages and he had a slight “why-is-Mummy-over-there-and-not-beside-me” panic attack. This boy has me on a tight leash!
And Naomi? She slept through the whole service like the dream baby that she is!
A girl gets no peace with Noey around.
So our family has expanded once more. Welcome to the family Francis!
(Isn’t my sister’s cheongsam just stunning? My mum was super pleased with the Prada-seque lace that she had found for this dress. Another incentive to lose weight — so that I can borrow it!)
vday.. i DIG those shoes on your little man!! hahahaha! really cool! :))
@<a href="#c1113673953648595243" rel="nofollow">fanyin</a> hah, aren't they the coolest! got them at the factory outlet stores in sydney! these are his only black shoes so they had to do. i wasn't going to go buy him proper black shoes which he wasn't going to wear again. the boy has too many pairs of shoes already as it stands!
Love both of your sister's dresses! The flowers on the skirt of the gown are a daring but pretty touch!
@<a href="#c880485085586641271" rel="nofollow">Corsage@A Dollop Of Me</a> Thanks, I love the flowers on her dress too. Goes well with the thin fushia sash which you can't see in the pic. Was quite involved in the design of her wedding dress and was v pleased with the end product – totally something I would have worn myself!
Gorgeous! and Noey has the best shoes!
Your sister's gowns are gorgeous! Sorry for the trouble but wkd you be able to share where your sister got her cheongsam tailored? Thanks in advance! Karen
@<a href="#c2225434176311045746" rel="nofollow">Daphne</a> well, you've contributed to his collection too!<br /><br />@<a href="#c2909160857524116354" rel="nofollow">Karen</a> hey there! my mum actually had some issues with the tailoring — she went back a few times to get it perfect — so i hesitate to recommend it to you! then again, it could be because the pattern was not quite the typical