We’ve been sending Noey for Sunday School classes (which we call Sabbath classes) since a couple of months ago, on and off. It started when DD was scheduled to take 4 weeks of the toddlers class. Classes at our church are held after service, so I was chasing after him all on my own after service for a couple of weeks before it occurred to me that it would be easier just to sit Noey in class for that time period!
The class is really for 3-5 year olds, but younger kids are welcome to sit in. With DD being the teacher for the day, Noey was happy enough to sit all on his own in class that first week.
Alas, he was only willing to sit in class himself that week when Papa was teaching (and only as long as his biscuit wasn’t finished). Since then, I’ve had to sit with him in class. And yes, feed him biscuits. But I’m glad he has been rather willing to attend and I guess sitting in allows me to be more familiar with the lesson so, I’ve been able to revise the lesson with him at home, mostly with hilarious results.
Me: Noey, what did you learn in Sunday School today?
Noey: Uncle Wai Kuen give a star!
Obviously the sticker rewards he got on his worksheet made more of an impression. Haha. Honestly, I was personally more impressed by the fact that he could remember his teacher’s name after 3 lessons with Wai Kuen in August.
Then, there was this gem just last week:
Me: Noey, what did we learn in class this week? Do you remember? What is the First Commandment? “Thou shalt have…?”
Noey: No other gods before Me.
Me: Very good! Yes, “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me”. And who is “Me”, Noey?
Noey: Mummy!
Erm. More teaching is definitely required for this little man!
Ahahahahahahaha!!! I love it when they start to spout all these things… definitely worth keeping. My kids literally LOL when I tell them of all the ridiculous things they said as little ones… they love it! thank God for the blog to keep my memory fresh!
LOL! That's a gem, alright! I agree with the above commenter. Do record these moments for keeps!
Hahaha! They say the cutest things! <br /><br />And I realised, the stars get to them! It works quite well with nat as a motivator, I must say.
justpassingby :: yes, there are so many moments that just slip us by if we don't make the effort to write them down! i hope noey will have a good laugh about them when he gets older too.<br /><br />corsage :: soon it'll be your turn! :)<br /><br />lilsnooze :: yeah, it's like "ooo, stickers!!!" works a treat with noey as well.
Heeeee cute! They do say the darndest things!<br /><br />Is great that he could sit in for class, I think they really pick up alot even though they seem to be so young!
MamaJ :: It's always so funny to hear what they come up with! I'm hoping that some of this teachings stick with him so that he can recall them in future when he understands better.