And just like that, we’ve come to the end of the school year.
Noey came down with a mysterious fever (another one!) early in the week and had to miss a couple of days of school. I felt kind of sorry for him that he couldn’t go for the gym trip with his class, but at least he made it back for the last day of term, where they had waterplay day and a combined class party.
Looking back at the last two terms, I can see that school has been good for him. As a result of a combination of his age and the exposure, he has grown up so much over the past half a year. I had a quick chat with his teacher when I picked him up was glad to know that over the course of the term, his behaviour has improved. When he started out, he used to resist doing things his teacher asked him to do and cry for Mummy. But he has since settled in well and formed a rapport with his teacher. I was happy to hear that he participates well in class and doesn’t walk around doing his own thing like he did in the earlier days. His teacher also noted that he is able to read some words and told me that he loves his phonics lessons.
One of the things his school does is provide parents with an electronic portfolio/report for each child. I was wondering what it would be about and was amused to see that it was a report recounting some of the things the children were taught over the course of the term illustrated with photos of Noey at work and play. I loved it — it was just so cute getting a glimpse of what he gets up to everyday in school!
There was one in Chinese too.
Speaking of Chinese, I had a couple of dunno-whether-to-laugh-or-to-cry conversations with him recently:
Conversation 1
Noey: Mummy, what is 帮助?
Me : Ah, it’s from your song, right? Do you know what 帮助 means?
Noey: Yes. 帮助 is “help pig”!
Conversation 2
(Noey observed Nomi bending her head in a manner akin to a bow)
Noey: Mummy, Mei-mei is saying 谢谢大家! What is 谢谢大家?
Me: Well, do you know what it means?
Noey: Yes.
Me: So, what does it mean?
Noey: 谢谢大家 is “thank you house”!
Oh dear oh dear oh dear.
His Chinese speaking Nai Nai couldn’t stop laughing when I repeated what her all-too-literal grandson said.
The day after I had the second conversation with him, I made some calls to check out the Chinese enrichment classes near my place. He might need the extra help. That said, I guess I give his teacher some credit for expanding his vocabulary, and more importantly, for making him more receptive to Chinese. He is speaking more of it and singing his songs ad nauseum. And he now allows me to read the Chinese books to him, which is a good thing. (When I get the words right, that is.)
I did think of signing him up for some Mandarin holiday enrichment classes but we have instead booked ourselves on a holiday to Sydney, and that clashed with all the schedules and put paid to the idea. Ah well, I guess holidays are, well, for fun aren’t they? It probably does mean that I will have to 讲华语 at home with him more!
So here’s to the end of the school year. Next year he will go to school wearing a school uniform. “Like the K1s and K2s,” he tells me. We’re looking forward to that.
🙂 Well, at least even if he's literal, it means he knows the chinese words!<br /><br />It's so nice to see photos of them in class isn't it? I wish there's video clips though. HAH!
Aww kids grow up so fast, right? 🙂 Hope your boy is feeling better now.. my girl is a little ill :/ <br /><br /><br />Ai @ <a href="" rel="nofollow"> Sakura Haruka </a>
Hey, I just blogged abt K;s mandarin too, what a coincidence. At least he knows the meaning of 家!K has no clue, ahaha…
Hahahaha, that's too funny! 😛 I'm sure he'll get there if he continues to be exposed to the right usage of the language.
@<a href="#c1245023601721384999" rel="nofollow">lilsnooze</a> oh, they do have video clips! there was one of the kids singing in his report. he does have a small vocab of chinese words, which he uses singly. hah.<br /><br />@<a href="#c2100253959224623324" rel="nofollow">Ai Sakura</a> hi there! oh i hope your daughter is feeling better. Noey is ok now, but as with all kids, you'll never know
muahaha i love his chinese!! I think it's great though! he is generalizing what he has learned, which is more than what we can hope for when we put our kids to school, eh?<br /><br />well done noey!