They can be the best of friends, they can be the worst of friends.
I think that describes the relationship between my two kiddos. Now that they’re old enough to play with each other, boy, do they squabble. Noey will have to have what Naomi is holding, and Naomi will snatch what Noey’s using. Noey will insist that things be done just so but Naomi will (deliberately or otherwise) foil him. You know, the usual.
But once in a while they’ll find something to play with together, and then magic happens.
I’m amazed the doll stroller didn’t break under their weight! But those smiles? Totally priceless.
Linking up with:

what is their age gap? i have a boy and a girl 16 mths apart… they're really young now (one 2 yo and one 6 mths) but i see the sibling dynamics evolve so quickly. the older boy likes to make his baby sister laugh by doing cheesy dances.. and they snatch each other's toys too. i see your kids and think ahh soon one day my 2 babies will become like them too
mine are 29 months apart 🙂 wow, 16 months! that sounds tiring so kudos to you! but i'm sure your kids will have a lot of fun playing together soon, esp since they're pretty close in age. i sure enjoy it when they play together cos Mummy here can sit back for a bit!
Oh such precious photos!!! Love them! Mine are kinda starting to play together. 13 months and 4.5 years. Which includes snatching from each other. And crying. And screaming. And lots of "noooo!!!!". And so it begins.
Thanks Adora! Boy, do I know what that's like! And yet sisters? Best thing in the world really.
Noah has your smile!! :)<br /><br />Ruth
Well, a lot of folks say he has my face!
so precious! right now, my girl seems eager to play with her brother. blake's interest in entertaining nakayla never goes beyond 5mins, and every toy we pass to nakayla, blake snatches it away… but with your photos as proof, i'm sure we'll have such magic moments too 🙂
You will! Then must take photos so you remember that it happened. Haha.
These photos are indeed priceless…the rewards of having more than one 🙂
Their smiles are sooooo precious! They make me smile too! <br />-Alexis
aww so sweet.. I'm amazed it didn't break too! haha<br /><br />Ai @ <a href="" rel="nofollow"> Sakura Haruka </a>
My kids are all 18 months apart – do re mi – and they are playing together! Yea there's the screaming and snatching but there's also so much laughing!