It’s been the sickies around here for the past week.
I suppose it started with my helper who developed a sore throat after Chinese New Year. (Too much goodies, I told her.) That became a hacking cough that wouldn’t go away. Then Noey and DD followed suit, coming down with fevers and yucky phlegmy coughs. After 2 weeks of that, I guess it was inevitable that Meips and I succumbed too. At least I only got the cough/cold combination and no fever. Poor Meips got the full works and is one sick little bunny.
I think this is the first time she’s gotten a cough, and she HATES it. It was funny that just earlier in the week, when she was well, she was copying Noey and giving cute little pretend coughs every time he coughed. Now, every that she has a cough for real, I don’t think she’ll be doing that the next time. Every time a cough is forced out of her she would shake her head in dismay and start crying. And reach out to be carried. She’s needed to be carried a lot since Wednesday. And all night long as well the past couple of nights as the coughing disturbs her sleep. DD takes the first shift from 10pm to around 2-3am (as I would be knocked out by my cough meds), then I take over from 3am to 7am. I think both of us are a bit zombiefied as a result. It’s hard not to carry her though, when she looks like this:
She also managed to scare us by having her fever hit 40°C on 2 days. It would come down with the meds and then shoot back up again. With sponging, faithful administering of meds, and lots of prayer, it seems to have come down somewhat today. I hope that it means that she’s on the mend.
It’s less than a week to her 1st birthday. This little girl turns one on Friday and we have a party planned for her on Saturday. I pray she will be well enough by then to enjoy it. Fever, cough, cold bugs, begone!
how is she now? My girl has been sick for some time too and I was down last weekend. hope she gets well by her bday! :)<br /><br />Ai @ <a href="" rel="nofollow"> Sakura Haruka </a>
The bug going round is rather strong. Do take care! Hope you guys are feeling better by now.
oh noooo GET WELL SOON! At least the fevers are gone! sayang!!!
The fever was the most stressful part!
so poor thing la.. i remember how shocked T was when he first experienced the cough and made him puked. now sad but true, he's quite used to coughing and listening to his mom coughing. <br /><br />hope nomi gets well enough to enjoy her party!
Oh yes, I remember you mentioning that. Poor N now is used to coughing too. Sigh!