I was very amused when I walked into the kitchen to find this on the fridge:
One of Noey’s random scribblings that he put up on the fridge himself for all to admire. I was quite impressed that he was careful to make sure that the paper was straight and had carefully secured the corners of the paper with the magnets.
Lest you think it’s because I often tack up his work, I have to say it really is quite the opposite. For while I tend to be sentimental, I just have too much crap lying around that I don’t know what to do with. So when it comes to Noey’s artwork, unless there’s something special about it, most of the time it goes into the trash bin.
I am thankful in this regard that his school doesn’t send him home with his art and craft work. I suspect they find it more useful to decorate the classroom with it.
Maybe once he starts drawing more intelligible stuff I might feel more of an urge to keep his drawings! Right now it appears to be limited to circles, swirls, “curly-whirly” lines (as Noey likes to call them), small circles with a dot in the middle of them, and happy and sad faces (2 dots and a “u” or an “n”). The poor boy has probably inherited my artistic skill.
But I’m curious: Do you keep your child’s artwork or throw it away? And if you do keep it, how do you do it? Do you have a good system to share?
I buy bound scrapbooks from Daiso for Sean to doodle on which is a lot neater than loose scraps of paper all over the house. Makes it easy when he wants to flip through them too 🙂
We have artwork from school and Sunday School.Thankfully, his school packs them into a pocket folder and it's brought home at the end of the Sem. For Sunday School artwork, I pack them all into a pocket folder too! <br /><br />(and when it's springcleaning time, I erm, will discreetly throw some of the artwork away…)<br /><br />Perhaps I should snap a pic of them individually before
@<a href="#c6932159983005537647" rel="nofollow">olimomok</a> i've got sketch books from daiso too! i put them in Noey's bag for when we go out. i used to use them at home too, but Noey just loves marking on a ton of pages! So he went through them real fast. Now we stick to the rough paper that D brings home for the office 🙂 it does get everywhere though, i agree!<br /><br />@<a href="#
I take pics of the ones I think are really something… And I bought these pocket display things from ikea and they get to choose what they want to keep and display. The rest we throw.
I take digital photos and throw the art/ craft pieces away. 😛
The girls prefer to draw on printer paper or art block. We keep the ones that we think are nice and representative of their development at the time it was drawn. The rest, we surreptitiously throw away. Our filing system is two large boxes with elastic closures – one for each girl.