I’ve always thought that Naomi would not be as fast as Noey in reaching her physical milestones. Partly because he was always ahead of the curve in that regard, but also because she does not seem as active a baby. Or maybe it’s just that she’s less demanding so she seems less active.
Whatever the case, she showed that she’s no slouch by pulling herself up to standing position all by herself today. She’s been looking on the verge of doing it for a while. I think all she needed was a good grip. One moment she was sitting pretty, the next she was on her knees, and then up she went.
6.5 months. Almost exactly the same age Noey was when he pulled the same stunt. In fact, now that I look at the date, she’s one day quicker than he was!
Atta girl!
WAY TO GO!!!!! she is FAST!! i do think 2nd kids pick things up faster!! Maybe it's the constant modelling they are given by their older siblings, maybe it's the can't-wait-to-get-up-and-moving-and-chase-my-older-brother syndrome! <br /><br />whatever it is.. WOOHOO!!! GO NAOMI!! ;)))
too fast, too fast!!! why they don't stay our babies longer?!!?!??! *weeps*
Seriously they grow up too fast. My baby is about 1.5 months younger than Naomi, and I am so wanting to remain at his chubby babyness. 😛 LOL!
Nice one! I love it when the baby surprises us, and beat our own expectations of how things will turn out. Every child seems to have their own rhythm to things and what skill they like to 'master' first. As I'm slowly learning with my #2… 😛
@<a href="#c9147931214116959720" rel="nofollow">FY</a> Yah, I think she can't wait to get right into Noey's toys! Haha. <br /><br />@<a href="#c7431846809263546474" rel="nofollow">pei fen</a> I know! I just want to hang on to my little baby for a while longer…<br /><br />@<a href="#c8894715522706815736" rel="nofollow">San</a> Hey, X isn't 1.5 months younger than Naomi. I think it&#