Yesterday was Valentine’s Day.
It’s really a bit of a non-event around our home. But this year, seeing as the kids are a bit older, I thought it would be nice to introduce them to the concept of a day where we celebrate those we love.
‘Twas a good idea I think, because I rarely receive that many declarations of “I love you Mummy!” in a day!
We made a couple of simple cards for Papa — thanks Dana’s Mommy for the inspiration! Naomi’s was a simple “I LOVE PAPA” that she and I worked together to stamp, and Noey’s said “I LOVE YOU FOR SHARING YOUR LEGO”. Well, that was what he wanted to write when I asked him, so I merely helped with the spelling.
On my part, I was inspired to make Strawberry Jelly Hearts, a jelly topped cheesecake that I thought the kids and DD might enjoy. Of course, I decided to do this at the very last minute, so could only manage to find small, skinny Korean strawberries and not the nice, big, plump ones. I did my best to make them look heart-shaped, but alas, when I was moving the dish to the fridge to chill and set the cheese layer, most of the strawberries sank a little further into the cheese than I would have liked. I ended up with barely-there heart shapes! Noey assured me that he could still make them out.
It was my first time doing this and I used this recipe. I think it turned out well, all things considered. Knowing my children, I made the jelly layer thicker, and it was a real hit — the kids were more excited about the jelly than the cake! Hah. But the husband was very appreciative and ate a huge piece. I’m glad he liked it because even after my parents helped helped us with some this evening, there’s still quite a bit of cake for us to get through!
It was a simple and sweet Valentine’s for us. I hope you had a good one too.

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