Tea, anyone?
The kids and I had some fun with a piece of 3D street art, also known trick art, that we stumbled upon during lunch.

Noey had been learning about trick art last semester at school so he was very enthusiastic about taking pics and turned out to be a much better model than I expected him to be. It was so random but fun!
If you’re interested to take some fun pics of your own, this piece can be found at Westgate, outside Miam Miam in the ground floor courtyard.
There will be two trick art museums opening soon in Singapore — Trick Eye Museum at Resorts World Sentosa and Alive Museum Singapore at Suntec City. They will both be throwing open their doors soon and we’re certainly looking forward to visiting!

This is so cool! Love how your kids were so game to do so many poses.
Haha, yes, I was surprised they did so well! Made it a fun exercise.
So cute! Hope to catch a snap of it this weekend when I make the long trip to the West.
Oh are you headed West, Susan? Hope you manage to catch this! I didn't ask if there were any others in the building – maybe you should find out!
Ahhh this is really so cool and they are such good sports for posing with the art!
We saw the 3D art in Korea.. can't wait for our own local 3D Art museum to open too :)<br /><br />Ai @ <a href="http://www.sakuraharuka.com/" rel="nofollow"> Sakura Haruka </a><br />Join in: <a href="http://sakuraharuka.blogspot.com/search/label/wordless%20wednesday/" rel="nofollow"> Wordless Wednesday Linky