At 9.5, almost 10 months, Naomi’s teeth finally made an appearance. Two itty-bitty tooth buds, which might explain a period of bad sleep preceding this. At least, I would like to think so! The bad news is that she’s sticking her fingers into her mouth again and drooling, so we are expecting the top two incisors to show up. I can already feel one just under the gum.
As a breastfeeding mum, I must say I was a bit sorry to see her teeth. She has nipped me a couple of times, which I was not happy about. OUCH. Also, aren’t gummy smiles the cutest?
Incidentally, this photo captures Naomi in the process of giving her signature yell. This girl is loud and she likes to let you know that. There’s no ignoring this little patootie. Not that we would want to anyway.
Aww such a lil sweetie 🙂 My girl used to unknowingly (??) bite me while breastfeeding too haha.. Now she just likes to pinch ;p<br /><br />Ai @ <a href="" rel="nofollow"> Sakura Haruka </a>
Oh I can totally empathize with the biting! I actually yelped in pain which in turn gave him a shock and of course he bawled his eyes out.<br /><br />Naomi's quite the cutie though, such an endearing smile!
I can totally emphatise with the bitting. My girl still does, with even more teeth to spare. Ouch!<br /><br />And tell me about yelling… My girl's much louder than her brother, higher in pitch and relentless.<br /><br />But still, they're so sweet and adorable. Ahhh… girls…
Same case here…maybe it's a "meimei gotto shout to be heard" syndrome? Haha.
@<a href="#c7022698413325790742" rel="nofollow">Ai Sakura</a> Oh yes, the pinching! Noey used to do that and laugh. I wasn't so amused!<br /><br />@<a href="#c7201826785967265392" rel="nofollow">DL</a> Hi there! Thanks for popping by! I see you have a 7 month old! Will def swing by your space :)<br /><br />I've definitely yelped too. In fact, I tapped Naomi sharply on her cheek to tell
It's been really nice reading your space and loving your posts.<br /><br />Naomi is such a cutie you probably can't stay angry with her for long…especially when she flashes her toothy grin after!
LOVE this photo!!! hahahaha so cute!