It’s been quiet around here for a bit as we headed up to Johor, M’sia in mid-week for our church’s annual family conference.
We had an enriching 4 days in fellowship with the brethren and attending the very “meaty” messages on the theme of Holiness. With such a broad and yet substantial theme, the topics of messages were, as our Camp Coordinator Deacon Moses commented, sufficient to constitute our conference themes for the next 6 years. They covered the following:
- The Holy Spirit’s Work In Us (Philippians 1:6)
- The Moral Law as the Rule of Life (James 2:8)
- The Nature of the Work of Sanctification (Romans 6:11)
- The Snare and Danger of Worldliness (James 1:27)
- The Constant Struggle with Indwelling Sin (Romans 7:24-25)
- The Preservaton in and the Perfection of our Holiness (Jude 24-25)
Indeed, there was much food for thought. I might share on this once I gather my thoughts and squeeze out the time.
Noey helped by being surprisingly cooperative during most of the messages, allowing both DD and I to hear most of the preaching. God’s grace at work, no doubt. We did haul along virtually the whole house to help us keep him occupied! He had a biscuit in hand as he messed around with his crayons, flipped through his books (semi)quietly without insisting that either of us read to him like he usually does, pushed his cars on his seat and munched on cornflakes and honey stars for 1 hour 15 mins, twice a day. He also managed to keep his chatter to a somewhat acceptable level, though I did feel a little bad occasionally for the folks siting in front and behind us. For our noisy baby, it was quite a record. He did have his funny moments though, like when he suddenly went “一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十!”, and when he decided to recite the whole nursery rhyme of Baa Baa Black Sheep in the middle of nowhere. I think both of us couldn’t help but crack a smile each time.
It wasn’t all work and no play though. Our afternoons were free and that left the children plenty of time for fun. Unfortunately for Noey, it also coincided with his daily nap so he didn’t get as much time out in the sun. But he made the most of it!
There were random unused golf carts scattered around the resort being used to advertise the golf course which the children happily scrambled on, Noey included.
Noey had fun climbing the stairs and jumping down, with help of course. I was just happy to keep him busy!
Noey had a lot of fun chasing “kor kor” around, almost as much fun as he had shouting “Run!” and “Running!” at the same time. One would have thought that he would have had more breath if he simply concentrated on the running without the yelling! But that would have been half the fun of course.
Yes, it looks like I have a little Cassanova on my hands! (He is noticeably nicer to girls) My little Georgie Porgie.
It was a struggle to wake him this morning!
Holidays with Noey, well, they aren’t exactly the restful holidays that they were before he came along. But we definitely had a good time and I at least, feel like I have emerged refreshed, if not in body then in spirit.
That said, I think we’re all glad to be home.
i love how the entire bed is huge and spacious and he chooses to knock himself out in the corner, with legs sticking out, no less, as if you have been depriving him of space! hahaha!
kopikia :: he's such an unfriendly bed sharer! i was the one squeezed out by him!
Sooooooo cute! think they are at the age when they are more into interaction with other kids (who don't crowd them out)! hee. <br /><br />And soooo cute that he just started reciting 1-10 and the nursery rhyme! precious boy!
LOVE that cheeky look on his face!
hahaha yay! sounds like you all had a good time!
lyndix :: yes, they've finally started to notice and follow after the other little people! noey just like to blabber randomly. it surprises me when it sometimes makes sense!<br /><br />candice :: heh, i don't write about it too much but he really is rather cheeky! the look matches the personality.<br /><br />daphne :: it was a good short trip!