After five years of kindy, I know the drill. Term 4 is Concert Term.
I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with the year-end concert. On the one hand, it is so cute to see them on stage. Such precious moments! On the other hand, getting them ready for stage can be a draining process for the teachers and children alike. When concert prep gets intense, my kids tend to get a bit crankier and less keen on going to school. Yet again when they get on stage, there is a sense of accomplishment. They love watching the videos of themselves too! One thing I do appreciate as well is that Mei’s kindy makes the effort to have the children actively involved in the making of props, backdrops and costumes so there is that sense of ownership too, never mind that it is not fancy in any way.
Mei approached this year’s concert with considerable enthusiasm. She came home excitedly singing the songs which they were learning and practiced her steps in front of my wardrobe mirror nearly everyday. It was such a contrast from last year where she would only practice if she thought I was not watching her, and was really shy when it came time to perform! This year she was confident and sure, so much so that she was chosen to hold the mike and sing solo for the first part of her class’ performance. We were so proud of her!
Singing “My Lord Knows The Way Through The Wilderness”.
And here is the vid!
This year’s play was about Joshua and the battle of Jericho and her class of Israelite children sang and danced to “My Lord Knows The Way Through The Wilderness”. While we were watching the video yesterday, she sheepishly confessed that she had almost forgotten the words at one point, which is why her timing was slightly off coming in for that line. Honestly, we couldn’t tell, and I was surprised to hear this because she’d been singing the song SO OFTEN I didn’t think it would be possible for her to forget her lines. But her confession gave me a glimpse of the bit of stress she must have been feeling from being on stage and made me feel doubly proud of her for pulling it off.
Getting ready to sing the closing song.
Very excited to see us while bouncing on her way out!
With some of her adoring audience 🙂 The rest of my family turned up as well, represented by Baby E cos the girl was restless and didn’t want to take any more pictures after this! Papa and Noey rushed down after their overnight camp to catch her concert.
And with that, another year is over! Well done Mei!
Wow fabulous job! Yay Naomi!