The highlight of the pre-school calendar, for the parents at least, must surely be the school year-end concert.
We’ve all really enjoyed going for Noey’s concerts over the years. When he was in Pre-Nursery, he was a little angel dancing to the tune of Hark the Herald Angels Sing. It was a super cute performance, the sort that is the inevitable result of putting blur little 3-year olds on stage. I still smile when I think about it. Last year, in Nursery, he had his first speaking part. The play was Noah’s Ark, performed in Chinese, and he was one of a pair of monkeys. “我们是聪明明的猴子!” he declared, before moving on to sing a song with his class.
This year as a K1 student, he got a much meatier role, as an angel again, this time in the Nativity story. This year though, he was also part of a handbell ensemble – 8 of them – that played Joy to the World, and most exciting for us, he was assigned to sing a solo of O Holy Night. I won’t deny it: I was rather concerned when I was first informed of the song that he was going to sing. O Holy Night is supremely high and difficult to sing! But I guess his teachers were confident he could pull it off.
Can you spot Noey’s name in the programme?
On the day of the concert, we were all out in full force. My parents, sister and brother-in-law, mother-in-law all came to support our little man. I think we all held our breaths each time he came on stage but I’m glad to say, he totally rocked it. From the handbells to the singing. I think he all collectively held our breaths as he sang and the notes climbed higher and higher, but he managed it and I think he did a good job. So proud of him!
A video of Noey singing. He sang while the Nursery class did their dance item. The little ones were “stars” in the night sky.
Part of the ensemble playing Joy to the World. Noey was the High C.
With the rest of the school for the big finale.
Well done Gor-gor!
With his fan club!
While watching him sing, I can’t help but marvel at the fact that this is the same kid who did not sing a note till he was 2 years old, and who spoke with a flat robotic tone with little inflection. By God’s grace, he’s actually developed a rather lovely singing voice and has started to be selected to sing solos in school. He had a turn in April too during the school anniversary concert, and his Godma, who remembers how he used to speak was extremely tickled. I guess it’s one of the ways in which he has blossomed and I’m so glad he’s been given opportunities to develop this in school.
This time next year, I’ll have two kids performing in the year-end concert instead of one. And one will be graduating! Fancy that! While I feel a tinge of regret at how quickly they are growing, I know I’ll be looking forward to this again next year.
With my little star in the making!
He sang so well, awesome!!
Aww, thanks!
Eh, S-Factor is me – Cindy. haha… Accidentally signed into my husband's account!
Haha, thanks for letting me know Cindy. I would have wondered who that was!
Hi, amazing voice! Well done 🙂 was wondering: is Noey attending a normal child care or is it a church-affiliated school?
Thanks! He's attending a church kindy 🙂