It is the highlight of every pre-schooler’s calendar. Or at least, certainly the highlight for their parents!
I am talking about the year-end concert of course.
Noey’s had his last Saturday and the whole family was looking forward to it. The two sessions were going to put up a play each, with Noey’s session attempting the more challenging play in Chinese. It was a nativity story and for weeks we were listening to him attempt to sing at least 3 songs in Chinese, including “Hark the Hearld Angels Sing” which he was going to be dancing to. It was a testament to the incredible memory that young children have and the patient teaching of the teachers that Noey was able to progress from just humming the tune to singing all the songs in their entirety. His lyrics were a bit suspect at points though!
The concert itself was cuteness overload. Noey pulled off his steps as a little dancing angel during his class’ segment. But when it came to the finale, he seemed overawed by the audience and was distracted by the kids around him, and stoned out for a bit. He was even caught on camera giving a huge yawn in the middle of the song. Haha. The early hours he had to keep for the concert rehearsals had taken their toll.
He recovered after a while to finish off singing with gusto. Hah.
Another milestone under the belt.
I found it incredible that the kids at the boys school remember their lines too! And some dialogues are pretty long. 🙂 but yes! It was cuteness overload.
@<a href="#c6690454853951993913" rel="nofollow">Pamz TT</a> yah, exactly! wish i still had a memory like that! i'm the kind of person who would walk into a room and promptly forget what it was i was there for. sigh!
well done Noey!! he is incredibly brave for his first concert! woohoo!