We had our detailed scan today and the final verdict is out: It’s a GIRL!
We had the nicest sonographer who turned the screen towards me for much of the time and patiently explained to both DD and I everything that we could see on the screen, while occasionally pausing to take the necessary screenshots and measurements for the report. So we both got to watch Baby #2 for a nice long time throughout the whole appointment.
Just like Noey, she was a wriggly one! She preferred to dive into the corners near my pelvic bones, first on the left, then on the right, so I had to turn on my side in order to allow the sonographer to carry out some measurements. Thank God, everything appears to be normal. I think we’re resigned to having another active baby on our hands. Just please, Lord, let this one be a better eater and sleeper!
It’s funny how, after Baby #2 was confirmed as a girl, the next remark everyone from the sonographer to my gynae to friends made was that we could start SHOPPING! Haha. I don’t think that was what DD wanted to hear!
Not that I need any encouragement though. I’m glad Baby #2 is indeed a girl, because even though I told myself I wouldn’t buy anything until we knew for sure, since my gynae said she was 90% sure it was a girl during our last check-up, I couldn’t resist getting one of these from the Pupsik End-of Season Sale:
Now I don’t have to give it away!
ahahahahahhaha… congrats! Yeah, we went crazy too when we found out that #2 is a girl (#1 is boy) and I think that first day after the u/s, I spent a good $200+ on clothes for her! Haha. Siao. But girls are fun to dress up and they are so diff from boys. You're gonna enjoy it… and you won't know what hit you. Oh, and watch out… they are very good at twirling daddies around their
ooh, congrats! I think it is lovely to have both a boy and a girl! And you WILL enjoy the shopping VERY MUCH 😉 (probably not what DD wants to hear too. hehe)
Girls are just completely crazy to shop for… all sense went out the window for me when I found out K was a girl.
a little girl!!!<br />yeah….!!!!<br />i love little girls. they're soooo….o cute and fun to shop for.<br />i told mr chan that i only want a girl when we start trying. hahahaha….. 😉
Congrates on your #2, and she's a girl! <br /><br />I have 1 boy (33 months) and a girl (14 months) too. Life as a parent of 2 young kids is going to be VERY different, be it 1 boy 1 girl, 2 boys or 2 girls. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, spend more quality time with Noey and prep yourself for the new challenges ahead!
Congrats! She'll be the ying to the yang of Noey. Or is that the yang to the ying. You get what I mean.
Hey, congrats! As the Chinese saying goes, one boy and one gal equals to the word "hao". Have fun with your little gal!
Aww lil gals are the cutest! I know I went mad when I found out K was a gal. And clearly I haven't got my senses back yet. =p
Aww, a girl!!!! There seems to be a spate of baby girls now huh! Have fun building her wardrobe 🙂
Congrats!! Soooooooo fun!!!
wow!!!! so fun! Haha.. shop shop shop! I get so envious when I go into baby shops and find cuter things for girls than for boys! :p
thanks everyone! yes, i've spent 2 years eyeing girls' clothing wistfully and buying them for our goddaughters so i'm very pleased that i can get them for myself, or rather, our new bub! 🙂 i think it would be interesting to have a girl this time round for a change. excited to see how it all pans out!<br /><br />vanessa :: haha, you're just like one of my BFF, except that her
I have to tell myself – stop.looking.stop.clicking. <br /><br />;)
Ooooh! Congrats! A girl yeahhhh! And Oobi! What a great choice 🙂 That's the same dotty design as Caitlin's birthday dress. You'll be very happy with the quality…and trust me there's a whole lot more shopping with a girl, hahahaha….
Oh yeah, a girl!! I feel so excited for u! ;P does the pregnancy feel different for u?<br /><br />I have eyeing pretty girlie outfits whenever I go shopping and ending up only being able to get them for my niece. Enjoy the shopping and take good care!
lilsnooze :: i remember you saying you felt a bit lost looking at little girl clothing — i'm feeling that way now too. there's too much choice! but everything is so cute!<br /><br />ker :: i love oobi too! have been buying pieces over the years for my goddaughter. hah. now it's my turn *claps hands in glee*<br /><br />fleurpress :: yes, this pregnancy is more difficult than it was