Naomi is two and growing fast. As I did with Noey, I still marvel at the fact that birthdays are such milestones for the little ones. They just seem to grow up overnight every time they mark a year.
Our little baby is no longer a baby, and she knows it. “Don’t call me naughty! Call me a girl!” she said indignantly the other day.
Well, she’s a naughty girl alright, but still one of the cutest ones around in our book. DD and I are always laughing over the funny things that she says daily. Here are some of those classic moments.
#1: Nomi had just done a poo in her diaper, and while washing her up, she says:
“I want to step on my poop.“
“No!” said my helper. “You can’t do that.”
Her deduction — “Is it because it will cry?”
#2: Nomi has a set of cute Lola sleeveless vests that she got for her birthday. For some reason, they only feature Lola on them, not Charlie. Nomi noticed this too, and one day asked my helper:
“Where’s Charlie, Aunty?“
“I don’t know,” was my helper’s reply. “Why don’t you ask Lola? Lola, where’s Charlie?”
After waiting for a bit, Nomi looked down at her vest and said, frowning, “She’s not answering.“
#3: Nomi was playing with DD, horsing around while being carried on his back. They headed towards the kitchen and when she spied my helper, she wanted to call her. But all the playing had made her a bit garbled so instead of calling her, what came out of Nomi’s mouth was:
“Mummy… Papa… Mummy… Papa…“
Knowing that she was not getting it right, she stopped, pointed at my helper and said, “Hey you!” Then she recovered and flashed a big cheeky grin before asking, “Are you Aunty?“
#4: DD was encouraging Nomi to drink her milk, and decided to demonstrate by downing his cup of milk quickly.
“There, Papa’s finished his milk. So fast!” he said.
“Good job Papa!” was the big girl’s reply. “Now it’s my turn!“
I am told she finished her milk with aplomb.

She's so cute! They do say the darndest things at this age. 🙂
I just love it when theyfirst start to talk! And then they don't stop…
hahaha yeah, Shawna would say to Asher:"Good boy, Asher!" 🙂 And she says "Good job, Mummy" and "Good job, Papa" to us ;p
Good job Shawna! Haha! She's another one who is wise beyond her age!
So cute!
I just love this age! Well, sometimes ;P
Omg! She is so cute!!! *melts*
Hi Beverly! She is my little cutie pie 🙂
I love her beautiful eyes! She says such funny things… Out of the mouths of babes, eh? Can't wait for my baby to start talking. 🙂