There are many things we take for granted — that I used to take for granted. Like smooth pregnancies, which both of mine were, the general aches and pains and heartburn notwithstanding. And my kids, happy, healthy and active, and delivered without any major complications. I had assumed that the first trimester of pregnancy was when you tiptoed around a bit, and that once you eased into the second trimester, you could breathe more easily and enjoy the process.
It isn’t me but my sister who is expecting, and our whole family has been eagerly awaiting the arrival of my little nephew. Right now however, I think all of us are more than happy to continue waiting. At only 24 weeks of gestation, my sister’s water bag broke. Where most of my family had not previously heard of PPROM (Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes), we now know it acutely. My sister was rushed to the hospital and warded. She was put on bed rest, her only reprieve being to use the bathroom and take her showers. She was at risk of very early preterm delivery and of infection, both to herself and to the baby, which would bring further complications.
It has been nearly 6 weeks since.
Squashy little crustless quiches that I made for her to celebrate her crossing the 28th week milestone.
Against the odds, by God’s grace, both my sister and baby have been able to hang in there as we play the waiting game. While over 80% of PPROM sufferers deliver within a week of their waters breaking, she has held out for more than 5 weeks, giving baby the much needed time to grow and develop. It hasn’t been easy — the confinement, the physical discomfort from not being able to sleep comfortably, the occasional setbacks, and the mental stress of worry has been hard for my sister.
But through it all, we have seen God’s grace and mercy, and His provision. The rest of the family all activated our support networks for prayers, and our friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, responded in kind. God has been faithful in return. Through each difficult moment, there were timely words, encouraging personal testimonies, and friends who reached out to offer support. My sis has good consultants on her case and the care she has received at the hospital has been wonderful. The Lord has continued to sustain her and baby through this difficult period. Truly, His mercies never come to an end.
For my kids, whole experience has been eye-opening. For starters, they are now rather familiar with the hospital and the cool mechanics of the hospital bed. My sister showed them the controls, much to my mother’s disapproval. Heh. Their next favourite thing is now the water dispenser around the corner from the room, and they have been hankering for the playground they spotted. For these reasons, I usually try to visit on my own without them! But more than just fun, it has been an opportunity for them to share care and concern. I didn’t know how much they could understand but we have been praying for their Yiyi and cousin and after one of the visits, when I asked Noey what he was thankful for, he told me that he was “thankful that Yiyi and her baby are safe and doing well”. This instead of his usual “I’m thankful I got an ice-cream today”-type reports made me rather proud of him.
A card Noey made for his Yiyi.
We don’t know how long it will be before my little nephew decides to make his appearance. God willing, it might be a while more. We are not out of the woods yet, but we wait, trusting that God to carry us through. If you’re reading this, do say a little prayer for my sister and little nephew, yah?
Prayed that he will come out in perfect timing. Continue to trust!
Thanks L! And thanks for the prayer support over the past weeks too.
That's so encouraging to know. Pls let your sister know she's covered in prayer and with His grace and mercy…
I will, J. Thanks. We've been very blessed to have family and friend like you support us in prayer during this time.
Praying for your sister!!
Thanks Dorothea. Appreciate it!