After waffling to and fro on this, I’ve finally gotten round to setting up a Facebook Page for this blog.
Besides links to posts written on this blog, I hope to be able to share photos that give you snippets of what’s going on in our daily lives, as well as share articles and interesting things that I read or come across that don’t necessarily warrant a blog post. Given that I’m so behind on this blog anyway and have a million things sitting around in draft that intend to write about but never get round to doing, I think this might be a good way to keep the conversation going. (Conversation is quite the catchphrase these days huh!)
So I hope you’ll hop on over and join me by “liking” our Facebook Page! I’ve also added the Facebook box to the sidebar on the left for easy access. I’ll be seeing you there!
i've only just cleaned up the blog's About pages. will be working on the FB page next when i've time! <br /><br />this social media thing is quite a bit of work eh. ;p
Haha! I've yet to re-do the About page!