It’s been quiet on this blog because we’ve been on holiday!
We took a deep breath and went down under to Sydney with two kids in tow. Naomi’s first trip overseas! And… it was challenging. It certainly didn’t help that the weather was rather cold, gloomy and it rained on a couple of days. We heard on the radio that it was the coldest start to Summer in 44 years!
Thank God we had ready and willing help in the form of family over in Australia or we might not have had any kind of a break at all. As it was, we were able to drive out for a short stint at the coast with everyone in tow and factor in some shopping. In truth, we didn’t do a lot, with 2 kids in tow, but it was a good break for the family, all things considered. Noey is turning out to be an awesome traveller — he is increasingly independent, eats well, snoozes in car rides and generally keeps himself happy and entertained. I couldn’t really ask for more.
Coming back, I’ve barely had time to catch up with everything that is going on, especially with Christmas coming up. And with 2 jet-lagging kids forcing me out of bed at early hours of the morning (5am on the first day, and 6am the last couple days), this blog has taken a back seat. I’ll be back with more updates soon.
In the meantime, I hope everyone’s enjoying December! It’s wet and rainy, but that’s the way December should be and I’m loving it.
Glad to hear you had a happy hols with the family. Indeed, things are starting to get a lil crazy around here with Xmas in 2 weeks time! ;p<br /><br />Ai @ <a href="" rel="nofollow"> Sakura Haruka </a>
Such a cheery pic for the passport!!!