Boys, they like to draw cars. My son? He likes to draw their badges.
Noey has always loved his cars. As a little(r) tot, rolling his cars along the bed/sofa was an activity that could keep him occupied for a full 20 mins, all by himself. Even now, he still loves carrying one or two around with him wherever he goes. He adores watching F1.
So I shouldn’t have been surprised when he started learning the badges of the different cars he spied on the road. It started with the cars we had in the family then — he asked what they were, we answered, and he remembered.
But his interest really took off in the past couple of months when we got ourselves a new (or rather, 2nd hand) car — a Citroen. Now, Citroens really aren’t a common sight in Singapore, so Noey got a real kick whenever he spotted one on the road. “CITROEN! A BLACK/WHITE/BROWN/GREY ONE!” he would shout excitedly, and the whole family would be expected to turn around or crane our neck to spy the car which he had identified. And mind you, he is really good at this and can spot the car from any direction. By and by, he has come to learn the badges of all the different cars. Except maybe Opel, because we just haven’t seen one. But yes, even Skoda and Proton.
Every time we are in the car park and he spies a badge he hasn’t seen before, he would drag me over to show it to him and tell him what it is.
I’ve known for a while that he can identify any car and air-draw their symbols. Still it tickled me when I left him to doodle and came back to a board covered with car symbols.
For the record, his favourite cars to spot, aside from Citroens, are Subarus. And it totally made his day once when we had a Lamborghini behind us while at a car wash.
I clearly have an Ah Beng speedster in the making on my hands. Oh dear.
I think it's so cool that he knows his car brands!,! Not many kids I know have that kind of observation. :)))
Thanks Pam! It's really his interest, that's why he notices these things.
🙂 Nat recognises car logos too! And he loves spotting the sports cars too. <br /><br />He's very thrilled to see "bumblebees" here – The chevrolet Camaro – complete with black stripes and yellow body! And huge trucks like Mack (in Cars) or Optimus Prime.
Haha, that must be so cool for him! Transformers come to life! I guess our boys can talk to each other about cars next time huh. I distinctly remember there was a funny pic of them doing just that with Nat's toy cars at your place one CNY a couple of years back…
That is quite adorable… and sharp!<br /><br />Nish