The fridge of a family to two young tots is different from our fridge as DINKS (double-income-no-kids). Gone are the ceramic magnets and fiddly souvenirs from our travels, all broken over time by itchy fingers. Instead, what you’ll find are these:
Magnets to play with while Mummy is in the kitchen, and a notepad on which to jot down a grocery list.
Invites! To parties and places. Reminders that put smiles on our faces.
Random pieces of art, earnestly and sometimes carelessly made.
Precious memories, stickgram-med.
Cryptic messages from busy little people.
Also timetables and school schedules, flyers for food deliveries and cards for home services.
Numbers to remember, a photo or two of a time long past.
And right up front, where little eyes can see, a note from Mummy to the kids, a virtual hug and a kiss and a promise to be home soon.
That’s our fridge.
(And if you’re wondering how I have space for so much stuff on my fridge, it is really because I have two of them! Best decision ever.)
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OMG I love your toy magnets! I didn't know they sell those haha.. looks like we have the same fridge?? <br /><br />Ai @ <a href="" rel="nofollow"> Sakura Haruka </a>
Yes, we do! Haha. The anima toy magnets, you mean? They were a gift. They are very cute tho, because when you match them correctly, they play a song. If not, they tell it's wrong! Clever huh!
I have that leap frog magnet too! Oh and yes you reminded me that besides my Hello Kitty magnets, I've got some Stickygram too 🙂
The leap frog magnet was good for entertaining the kids! I love my stickygrams 🙂
Love the stickygrams;). beautiful!
Hey PC, thanks! 🙂 Can't have too many stickgrams, I feel!