It’s been a while again, hasn’t it?
There has been a lot on my plate recently, what with our move into our as-yet-to-be-completely finished home and work and tiredness and let’s not forget the errands that have to be run… I also seem to have developed a touch of insomnia over the past few weeks. Before our move, I was falling asleep with Noey at close to 10pm but would spring awake at around 2.30am and stay awake till almost 6am. Unfortunately, Noey has a habit of waking around 7am so that seem that I’m pretty much a walking zombie for the rest of the day ahead.
In truth I guess, I could have squeezed out some time to write, but I really didn’t feel like it. When I stared at the screen, there were no words. In the same vein, e-mails have gone unwritten and unreplied, smses ignored.
The affliction of being unable to sleep at night but feeling like the walking dead all day has settled down somewhat over the past week, and with that, has re-emerged some of my inclination to write.
So I’m back and there is much to catch up on.
Hello again, everyone!
Hello back! Missed 'seeing' you!
Yikes! insomnia! <br /><br />Must be too many things on your mind? I get that when I get worried about…work and stuff. Then I just drift off to sleep, instead of zzing immediately as I hit the pillows, which happen all too often and quickly these days.
corsage :: thanks dear! it's good to be back in touch.<br /><br />lilsnooze :: yeah, i think it was compounded by the fact that i was worrying about the move. it's been better since. 10pm to 12am is still my witching hour though — am all bight-eyed and awake!