It was at the start of Primary 4 last year when my daughter first said those dreaded words: "Mummy, I can't see the whiteboard clearly..." I received the news with no small amount of resignation. As a parent in Singapore, where the rates of myopia area among the highest in the world, it does feel almost unavoidable that children eventually end up myopic. The increase in the amount of online learning for children since the start of the pandemic in 2020, with its corresponding increase in ... read more
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Slowing Down Myopia Progression with Ortho-K night lenses
It was at the start of Primary 4 last year when my daughter first said those dreaded words: "Mummy, I can't see the ... read more
Learning Better and Smarter with Geniebook
I consider myself pretty moderate when it comes to my kids' school work – I make sure they do it and are prepared ... read more
Pineapple Tarts, Anyone?
Guess who has staked claim over all our CNY goodies from pineappletartsg? This boy was so excited about the ... read more
Christmas Ornaments with Resin Play
Christmas is coming! Just last week we put our tree up and it gave me such joy to put up these beautiful ornaments ... read more
E-learning with the BenQ Eyecare Monitor
As any parent would know, e-learning is very much a part of our kids’ educational journeys these days. My children ... read more

Learning Better and Smarter with Geniebook
I consider myself pretty moderate when it comes to my kids' school work – I make sure they do it and are prepared for their exams, but otherwise, I leave them be, only stepping in when I think they need help. But really, there's no running away from the academic rat race if your kids are in the school system here in Singapore. Other than Chinese, my kids don't attend any academic tuition or enrichment, so the task of helping them keep up with their school work falls mostly on me. This means ... read more

Pineapple Tarts, Anyone?
Guess who has staked claim over all our CNY goodies from pineappletartsg? This boy was so excited about the snacks that he ate a good number of Love Letters before I realised, and later sneaked away 3 Pineapple Tarts into a box for the fridge for himself! Having a good selection has been such a huge temptation. Less than a week and about half of the goodies have been wiped out! 😅 We all have our favourites, the most popular being the pineapple tarts, naturally! The kids and the husband ... read more

Christmas Ornaments with Resin Play
Christmas is coming! Just last week we put our tree up and it gave me such joy to put up these beautiful ornaments that we made ourselves at Resin Play! This is the third year running that we got to make our own resin ornaments and it’s such a joy to see them on our tree.Each year, Elaine comes up with something different and pretty for Resin Play’s Christmas ornament workshop and this year was no exception. Best of all, it was a lot of fun! As it takes about one day for resin to dry ... read more

E-learning with the BenQ Eyecare Monitor
As any parent would know, e-learning is very much a part of our kids’ educational journeys these days. My children have regular e-learning days where they stay home to complete work on educational portals. And apart from such official school-designated e-learning, the children also make use of digital aids for learning and research. Even as I write this, Mei is sitting next to me on the computer doing quizzes to practice Italian terms for her upcoming music theory exam. My kids used to hunch ... read more

Ortho-K with W OPTICS: A Review 1 Year On
In what feels like a blink go an eye, Noey has been using Ortho-K for over a year. Over the course of this year, he has gotten so accustomed to not wearing spectacles that he really hardly wears them anymore! We were recently back at W OPTICS for a review and so here is an update on Noey’s journey with Ortho-K thus far. Noey first started using Ortho-K about a year ago. You can read about how we got started on Ortho-K with W OPTICS here. In short, Ortho-K (Orthokeratology) is a form of eye ... read more

Getting Our Code On with SG Code Campus!
How is it that two weeks (and a half) of school have flashed by already?? I’m only slowly settling down into the routine of the new year and the times we spent during the holidays have started to feels like a distant memory. But the one thing that is still going strong and has carried over into the new year with the kids has been Scratch! I like to use the long holidays to let the children try out something that we don’t do on our regular schedule, and this time, it was coding. Noey had done ... read more