I’m feeling a little out of sorts today after receiving the shocking news that a church friend was, without warning, called home to the Lord today. He apparently suffered a heart attack while at work and passed on shortly thereafter.
Somehow now doesn’t feel like the time to be talking about all the birthday party madness. It will have to wait till later.
Deacon Joseph was a quiet, unassuming man. I did not speak much to him beyond the usual casual conversation and pleasantries on the occasional Sunday, but I am fond of his wife, Ruth. In the early days after I gave birth to Noey, she had often asked me how I was doing and shared her own experiences with me. She also gave me some toys, playmats and other paraphernalia which her boys had outgrown. As Noey has grown, I’ve on the occasion had the opportunity to talk to her about home schooling, books and other matters, and she has always been warm and willing to share. My heart goes out to her and to her 2 young sons, the younger of whom is only 5.
When I think about how Noey goes “Where’s Papa?” and “Where did Papa go?” a few times everyday, my heart breaks for these little boys who will no longer have their Papa with them here on earth. It will be a long time before they see him again.
It is a sobering reminder that how long we have on this earth is not of our own design. Be faithful to the Lord and your calling. Keep your house in order. Be ready to meet the Lord when He calls. And treasure the little moments. Never forget to let the ones you love know how much you love them.
I put aside my many distractions — especially my iPhone — and made an effort to be present and available to Noey this evening. I read him his books over and over, hugged him, put him to bed, and now sit watching him sleep. I can’t bear the thought that some day I might suddenly not be with him anymore. Likewise DD. Yet that’s the way it might be, and there’s nothing I can do about it except to make each day count. And that’s what I’m going to do.
Thank you, this is indeed a good reminder. Make each moment count. <br />Not only with our babies, but with our loved ones too. <br />Especially with so many distractions, its so easy to be present but not present.
Thank you for writing to succinctly what is really important. Condolences to Deacon Joseph's family. It must have been a real shock to everyone. May God watch over those left behind and help them find comfort and strength to move on and live life to the fulless. <br /><br />A friend's 10 day old baby passed on about 2 weeks after Bubbles' birthday. We were all very shocked and
Thanks for this wonderful reminder! Make each day counts!