Noey absolutely loves my handbag. If I don’t stop him, he would happily rummage through it any chance he gets and the first thing he’d reach for is my wallet. There’d be coins, cards and cash strewn around if I don’t catch him in time!
But in addition to this, Noey knows that when I grab my handbag, it’s time to say goodbye and make a move out the door. So on Friday, he decided to grab a bag and do the same himself, especially since he has recently added “Bye!” to his vocabulary. You can see that he was busy trying to sling the bag on his shoulder and can hook a bag on his forearm as well as the rest of us!
As of today, Noey’s (rather strange) vocabulary of recognisable words (he does make a whole bunch of other sounds and refer to many things as “Baa!”) now consists of the following:
- Papa
- There
- Bye
- Baby
- Bird
- Up
(The last 3 only added over the past few days since the weekend.)
Yes, still no “Mama” even though he managed it a few times previously. He’s inconsistent with this though so I wouldn’t add it to the list. I think he’s decided that if he can’t get it right, he’s just going to ignore me when I ask him to say Mama. And to add insult to injury, today he showed that he can say “Daddy” as well. Argh.
I’ve always had a noisy baby — looks like I’ll be having a little chatterbox on my hands soon enough.
A bagaholic in training!
Sooooo funny!! With the whole off-shoulder look to match the bag too! LOL!!!
he really is the funniest! dont be so harsh on yourself! inconsistent but he's still said it! Add to the list! :p
He's the CUTEST lah. My gosh, I can't stop laughing. He's got such a good vocab! Raeann is still going dada, wawa, gaga, neh neh. Heh. And yes, she says the occasional Daddy properly, but never mummy. Argh!<br /><br />(I should have started papa and mama, but we don't even use those terms at all, so it won't make sense to her and us. Hmmm)<br /><br />Can't wait to see Noey
aww haha so cute!! he's fast learner!
This is far too cute!
that video had got to make it to his gf in future, if not his wedding! Great vocab! Always knew he'd be one of the first to speak after he repeated ' eyes' at my place! <br /><br />Not a surprise that only 'word' K says on cue is 'mum mum'. She says Ma Ma quite often when she wants me, and Pa pa when she's bored. But she won't say those when prompted! Only
did D bribe him on the sly?? ;p
omg SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! Noey and K can be fellow bag hags together, the way they're hooking the bags! I think it's a kid thing, or maybe they've observed us enough ;)<br /><br />And he's such a wonderful talker. I love how clear he sounds. GO NOEY!