Can it be that the end of the year is upon us just like that?
Today was Noey’s last day of school for the term. It was his last day in Nursery. Next year, he will be K1, with Primary school looming just over the horizon. The thought scares me more than just a bit.
But today, it was a day to celebrate the end of the school year. And for this, his kindy had its annual water play day. They broke out the kiddy pools — more than 10 of them, including a huge one that took over an hour to inflate and fill — and the whole school had a field day splashing around and just having fun.
I volunteered to help towel dry and change the kids out of their wet swim gear, and so spent the morning watching the children have fun while catching up with some of the other Mums who had also volunteered their time.
With balls to chuck around and water to pour, Noey had a whale of a time. I had some reservations about him playing with water, especially given how cold the weather has been recently. But looking at how much he enjoyed it, I’m glad I didn’t stop him from participating.
It was also a rare opportunity I got today to catch a glimpse of the person that Noey is in school, away from me. I felt that he grew up a lot and was more settled in Term 3, and I was happy to learn from his teacher that his behaviour had in fact improved after our last PTM in June. As he matured over the last two terms, his attentiveness has improved and he’s become more discerning about what is and is not appropriate behaviour. He still loves show and tell though, and I was tickled to learn that he had told his teacher all about a library book that he’s been particularly taken with recently, so much so that she asked him to bring it to school to share with the class. And that was how I came to watch him animatedly try to read his classmates a whole picture book today. That was my proud Mummy moment for the day.
Sharing the book The Somethingosaur with his classmates. I only wish I took a better photo.
And with that, the school holidays are upon us!
Next year, he’ll be moving up to the next class with mostly the same classmates but with different teachers and different challenges. But for now, I’m going to savour the break, spend a little more time with my two kiddos, and hopefully sleep in in the mornings. School is out, and we are going to enjoy it.
The school's so cool! I love the water play… they should have it on a regular basis. The former playgroup that me boy was in had mud play and water play (the kids with big tubs and green water in them) once every week.<br /><br />I love the huge compound the school has… not many schools have the luxury. :)<br /><br />Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts about P1? I once commented to
Oh, mud play sounds awesome! Noey's school has a weekly water play session for the N1 kids too. It was his favourite day 🙂 But some parents told me they stopped their kids from doing it cos they tended to fall sick after that. Funny you should talk about a huge compound because the school compound is really not big at all! But it doe same premises with a church so there's extra space to