Noey achieved another milestone this week, when on Valentine’s Day (no less), he paid his first visit to the Dentist.
While the books that I read recommended that you bring your child to the dentist at around 18 months, I didn’t. Knowing full well how sensitive Noey is, and seeing as how every trip to cut his hair is a full-on ordeal, we didn’t think that he would take too kindly to someone poking around in his mouth. Fortunately, our Paed assured us that it wasn’t a problem delaying the visit to the Dentist till he was about 2-3 years old, had his full set of teeth, and was in a better position to understand what was going on. Of course, we were tasked with brushing his teeth diligently, which DD did. (Papa is the chief toothbrusher in our home!)
It was only after I had a twitter conversation with some friends about their kids’ dental issues that I decided it was probably time to bring Noey for a check-up just to make sure everything was ok. After asking around, I decided on and made an appointment for him at GPA at United Square. And started praying very hard for the best!
I prepped him a bit everyday for a few days preceding the visit. I told him how important it was to visit a Dentist, and how his friends (like Kristy!) see a Dentist regularly. We also read his “Going to the Dentist” book over a couple of times diligently. He seemed ok with it, which I took as a good sign.
On Tuesday I brought him down to the clinic and when we arrived, I was glad that I went for the kid friendly option of choosing GPA because there was a cosy little corner with books and toys which Noey was quite happy to entertain himself in while I got him registered. That gave him some time to settle down and when the Dentist came out to call us, I could sense that while a bit hesitant, he was ok about it.
We walked into the treatment room and lo and behold! Toy Story 2 playing on the screen above the dental chair. Noey’s eyes latched on, and from that point, he was really quite ok with everything. He put on the glasses that the Dentist had for him — how cute are those geeky round frames? — and settled down obligingly. He was also quite fascinated when the Dentist switched the camera on and started taking photographs of his teeth.
Overall, the Dentist gave Noey’s teeth a clean bill of health, which I was pretty happy about. There was just one slight spot between his front teeth that he instruct us to watch out for and brush more thoroughly but there weren’t any other issues. Yay.
Because Noey can be quite freaked out by the buzzing sound of the shaver, I asked the Dentist not to use the machine to polish Noey’s teeth. The Dentist therefore did it by hand, brushing each tooth with the little round brush. He scraped a bit, got Noey to rinse, then applied a fluoride gel on his teeth, and we were done!
Immediately on stepping out, Noey turned to me and said, “I was so brave!” I thought so too and gave him a big hug.
The whole visit cost me over $140 for the consultation, cleaning and the application of the fluoride gel. Ouch. I didn’t realise you can pay using the CDA and made a mental note to bring his BC and the card the next time round. It was pricey but with the positive experience, I guess it was money well spent!
By the way, since that day, he’s made me read “Going to the Dentist” umpteen times!
We were going to go for a routine check too! Was thinking of trying the Q&M nearby since they apparently have children's services… maybe I should sleuth around to see how child friendly the resident dentist is first! 🙂
I think if they have child services they should know how to handle kids! I was extra kiasu because Noey can be quite difficult and once he decides he doesn't like something, it's very hard to change his mind. Zzzz.
Well done, Noey! To this day, I'm still afraid of the dentist and I've been holding off my dental checkup for ages! But it's a great idea to make his first experience a positive one so it's definitely money well spent. 🙂
It took me a while to get over my fear of the dentist too. I spent way too much time in the dental nurse's chair in primary school cos my parents never brought me to the dentist when i was younger. glad that it panned out well this time with Noey.
well done Noey!! So proud of you! You are so brave! haha<br /><br />hey, if u are thinking of a cheaper option, i can recommend my friend.. she does hold clinic at Novena.. not sure which clinic.. on Saturdays. Weekdays, she's at Health Promotion Board. I figured since I'm seeing the same person whether i'm going to Novena or not, I might as well pay less.. so I went to HPB and guess
$18??? Yes, please pass the contact! If not for Noey, then at least for me. I used to be able to claim for dental, but have to find cheaper alternatives now that I'm not working!
Hi! We were at the same clinic last Fri! My daughter Layla's been for cleanings before but she's been a bit phobic since she threw up after one of the visits (swallowed too much water/paste). Anyway this time around, there were tears, there was struggling, and the dentist had to sit her up and tell her to stop whining! I appreciated his firmness though!<br /><br />Oh yes, and the price
hi evelyn! poor Layla. i think i would be phobic too if i threw up. Noey is currently using the kodomo kiddy toothpaste that i bought at NTUC. it comes in grape and orange flavours, which he likes. i would prefer something SLS and paraben-free but i haven't found any. (prob haven't searched hard enough!)
hello! just surfed by your blog and thank you so much for your review on the dentist! my girl's coming to 3 this year and she hasn't been to the dentist yet because she's like your boy – hates people touching her hair/face/teeth etc! hopefully we can arrange for an appt at your dentist soon!
hi edel, i think the GPA clinics are generally quite child-friendly. i had friends who went to other branches and had similar experiences. hope your daughter will be comfortable with the dentist!